/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ var AttribPool = require('/AttributePoolFactory').createAttributePool; var Changeset = require('/Changeset'); function makeChangesetTracker(scheduler, apool, aceCallbacksProvider) { // latest official text from server var baseAText = Changeset.makeAText("\n"); // changes applied to baseText that have been submitted var submittedChangeset = null; // changes applied to submittedChangeset since it was prepared var userChangeset = Changeset.identity(1); // is the changesetTracker enabled var tracking = false; // stack state flag so that when we change the rep we don't // handle the notification recursively. When setting, always // unset in a "finally" block. When set to true, the setter // takes change of userChangeset. var applyingNonUserChanges = false; var changeCallback = null; var changeCallbackTimeout = null; function setChangeCallbackTimeout() { // can call this multiple times per call-stack, because // we only schedule a call to changeCallback if it exists // and if there isn't a timeout already scheduled. if (changeCallback && changeCallbackTimeout === null) { changeCallbackTimeout = scheduler.setTimeout(function() { try { changeCallback(); } finally { changeCallbackTimeout = null; } }, 0); } } var self; return self = { isTracking: function() { return tracking; }, setBaseText: function(text) { self.setBaseAttributedText(Changeset.makeAText(text), null); }, setBaseAttributedText: function(atext, apoolJsonObj) { aceCallbacksProvider.withCallbacks("setBaseText", function(callbacks) { tracking = true; baseAText = Changeset.cloneAText(atext); if (apoolJsonObj) { var wireApool = (new AttribPool()).fromJsonable(apoolJsonObj); baseAText.attribs = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(baseAText.attribs, wireApool, apool); } submittedChangeset = null; userChangeset = Changeset.identity(atext.text.length); applyingNonUserChanges = true; try { callbacks.setDocumentAttributedText(atext); } finally { applyingNonUserChanges = false; } }); }, composeUserChangeset: function(c) { if (!tracking) return; if (applyingNonUserChanges) return; if (Changeset.isIdentity(c)) return; userChangeset = Changeset.compose(userChangeset, c, apool); setChangeCallbackTimeout(); }, applyChangesToBase: function(c, optAuthor, apoolJsonObj) { if (!tracking) return; aceCallbacksProvider.withCallbacks("applyChangesToBase", function(callbacks) { if (apoolJsonObj) { var wireApool = (new AttribPool()).fromJsonable(apoolJsonObj); c = Changeset.moveOpsToNewPool(c, wireApool, apool); } baseAText = Changeset.applyToAText(c, baseAText, apool); var c2 = c; if (submittedChangeset) { var oldSubmittedChangeset = submittedChangeset; submittedChangeset = Changeset.follow(c, oldSubmittedChangeset, false, apool); c2 = Changeset.follow(oldSubmittedChangeset, c, true, apool); } var preferInsertingAfterUserChanges = true; var oldUserChangeset = userChangeset; userChangeset = Changeset.follow(c2, oldUserChangeset, preferInsertingAfterUserChanges, apool); var postChange = Changeset.follow(oldUserChangeset, c2, !preferInsertingAfterUserChanges, apool); var preferInsertionAfterCaret = true; //(optAuthor && optAuthor > thisAuthor); applyingNonUserChanges = true; try { callbacks.applyChangesetToDocument(postChange, preferInsertionAfterCaret); } finally { applyingNonUserChanges = false; } }); }, prepareUserChangeset: function() { // If there are user changes to submit, 'changeset' will be the // changeset, else it will be null. var toSubmit; if (submittedChangeset) { // submission must have been canceled, prepare new changeset // that includes old submittedChangeset toSubmit = Changeset.compose(submittedChangeset, userChangeset, apool); } else { if (Changeset.isIdentity(userChangeset)) toSubmit = null; else toSubmit = userChangeset; } var cs = null; if (toSubmit) { submittedChangeset = toSubmit; userChangeset = Changeset.identity(Changeset.newLen(toSubmit)); cs = toSubmit; } var wireApool = null; if (cs) { var forWire = Changeset.prepareForWire(cs, apool); wireApool = forWire.pool.toJsonable(); cs = forWire.translated; } var data = { changeset: cs, apool: wireApool }; return data; }, applyPreparedChangesetToBase: function() { if (!submittedChangeset) { // violation of protocol; use prepareUserChangeset first throw new Error("applySubmittedChangesToBase: no submitted changes to apply"); } //bumpDebug("applying committed changeset: "+submittedChangeset.encodeToString(false)); baseAText = Changeset.applyToAText(submittedChangeset, baseAText, apool); submittedChangeset = null; }, setUserChangeNotificationCallback: function(callback) { changeCallback = callback; }, hasUncommittedChanges: function() { return !!(submittedChangeset || (!Changeset.isIdentity(userChangeset))); } }; } exports.makeChangesetTracker = makeChangesetTracker;