describe("the test helper", function(){ describe("the newPad method", function(){ xit("doesn't leak memory if you creates iframes over and over again", function(done){ this.timeout(200000); var times = 10; var loadPad = function(){ helper.newPad(function(){ times--; if(times > 0){ loadPad(); } else { done(); } }) } loadPad(); }); it("gives me 3 jquery instances of chrome, outer and inner", function(done){ this.timeout(5000); helper.newPad(function(){ //check if the jquery selectors have the desired elements expect(helper.padChrome$("#editbar").length); expect(helper.padOuter$("#outerdocbody").length); expect(helper.padInner$("#innerdocbody").length); //check if the document object was set correctly expect(helper.padChrome$.window.document)$.document); expect(helper.padOuter$.window.document)$.document); expect(helper.padInner$.window.document)$.document); done(); }); }); }); describe("the waitFor method", function(){ it("takes a timeout and waits long enough", function(done){ this.timeout(2000); var startTime = new Date().getTime(); helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; }, 1500).fail(function(){ var duration = new Date().getTime() - startTime; expect(duration); done(); }); }); it("takes an interval and checks on every interval", function(done){ this.timeout(4000); var checks = 0; helper.waitFor(function(){ checks++; return false; }, 2000, 100).fail(function(){ expect(checks); expect(checks); done(); }); }); describe("returns a deferred object", function(){ it("it calls done after success", function(done){ helper.waitFor(function(){ return true; }).done(function(){ done(); }); }); it("calls fail after failure", function(done){ helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; },0).fail(function(){ done(); }); }); xit("throws if you don't listen for fails", function(done){ var onerror = window.onerror; window.onerror = function(){ window.onerror = onerror; done(); } helper.waitFor(function(){ return false; },100); }); }); }); });