var assert = require('assert') supertest = require(__dirname+'/../../../../src/node_modules/supertest'), fs = require('fs'), api = supertest('http://localhost:9001'); path = require('path'); var filePath = path.join(__dirname, '../../../../APIKEY.txt'); var apiKey = fs.readFileSync(filePath, {encoding: 'utf-8'}); apiKey = apiKey.replace(/\n$/, ""); var apiVersion = 1; var testPadId = makeid(); var lastEdited = ""; var ULhtml = '
'; describe('Connectivity', function(){ it('errors if can not connect', function(done) { api.get('/api/') .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('API Versioning', function(){ it('errors if can not connect', function(done) { api.get('/api/') .expect(function(res){ apiVersion = res.body.currentVersion; if (!res.body.currentVersion) throw new Error("No version set in API"); return; }) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('Permission', function(){ it('errors if can connect without correct APIKey', function(done) { // This is broken because Etherpad doesn't handle HTTP codes properly see #2343 // If your APIKey is password you deserve to fail all tests anyway var permErrorURL = '/api/'+apiVersion+'/createPad?apikey=password&padID=test'; api.get(permErrorURL) .expect(401, done) }); }) /* Pad Tests Order of execution -> deletePad -- This gives us a guaranteed clear environment -> createPad -> getRevisions -- Should be 0 -> getHTML -- Should be the default pad text in HTML format -> deletePad -- Should just delete a pad -> getHTML -- Should return an error -> createPad(withText) -> getText -- Should have the text specified above as the pad text -> setText -> getText -- Should be the text set before -> getRevisions -- Should be 0 still? -> padUsersCount -- Should be 0 -> getReadOnlyId -- Should be a value -> listAuthorsOfPad(padID) -- should be empty array? -> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when pad was made -> setText(padId) -> getLastEdited(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed -> padUsers(padID) -- Should be when setText was performed -> setHTML(padID) -- Should fail on invalid HTML -> setHTML(padID) *3 -- Should fail on invalid HTML -> getHTML(padID) -- Should return HTML close to posted HTML */ describe('deletePad', function(){ it('deletes a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('deletePad')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createPad', function(){ it('creates a new Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createPad')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to create new Pad"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getRevisionsCount', function(){ it('gets revision count of Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getRevisionsCount')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Unable to get Revision Count"); if( !== 0) throw new Error("Incorrect Revision Count"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getHTML', function(){ it('get the HTML of Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getHTML')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( <= 1) throw new Error("Unable to get Revision Count"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('deletePad', function(){ it('deletes a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('deletePad')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Pad Deletion failed") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getHTML', function(){ it('get the HTML of a Pad -- Should return a failure', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getHTML')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 1) throw new Error("Pad deletion failed") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('createPad', function(){ it('creates a new Pad with text', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('createPad')+"&padID="+testPadId+"&text=testText") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Pad Creation failed") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getText', function(){ it('gets the Pad text and expect it to be testText with \n which is a line break', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getText')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== "testText\n") throw new Error("Pad Creation with text") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('setText', function(){ it('creates a new Pad with text', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('setText')+"&padID="+testPadId+"&text=testTextTwo") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Pad setting text failed"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getText', function(){ it('gets the Pad text', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getText')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== "testTextTwo\n") throw new Error("Setting Text") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getRevisionsCount', function(){ it('gets Revision Coutn of a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getRevisionsCount')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== 1) throw new Error("Unable to set text revision count") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('padUsersCount', function(){ it('gets User Count of a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('padUsersCount')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== 0) throw new Error("Incorrect Pad User count") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getReadOnlyID', function(){ it('Gets the Read Only ID of a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getReadOnlyID')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(! throw new Error("No Read Only ID for Pad") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('listAuthorsOfPad', function(){ it('Get Authors of the Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('listAuthorsOfPad')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== 0) throw new Error("# of Authors of pad is not 0") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getLastEdited', function(){ it('Get When Pad was left Edited', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getLastEdited')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if(!{ throw new Error("# of Authors of pad is not 0") }else{ lastEdited =; } }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('setText', function(){ it('creates a new Pad with text', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('setText')+"&padID="+testPadId+"&text=testTextTwo") .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Pad setting text failed"); }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getLastEdited', function(){ it('Get When Pad was left Edited', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getLastEdited')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( <= lastEdited){ throw new Error("Editing A Pad is not updating when it was last edited") } }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('padUsers', function(){ it('gets User Count of a Pad', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('padUsers')+"&padID="+testPadId) .expect(function(res){ if( !== 0) throw new Error("Incorrect Pad Users") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('setHTML', function(){ it('Sets the HTML of a Pad', function(done) { var html = "Hello HTMLHello World!

"; api.get(endPoint('setHTML')+"&padID="+testPadId+"&html="+html) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("Error importing HTML") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('setHTML', function(){ it('Sets the HTML of a Pad attempting to pass ugly HTML', function(done) { var html = "
Hello HTML
"; api.get(endPoint('setHTML')+"&padID="+testPadId+"&html="+html) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 1) throw new Error("Allowing crappy HTML to be imported") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('setHTML', function(){ it('Sets the HTML of a Pad with a bunch of weird unordered lists inserted', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('setHTML')+"&padID=test&html="+ULhtml) .expect(function(res){ if(res.body.code !== 0) throw new Error("List HTML cant be imported") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) describe('getHTML', function(){ // will fail due to // reminder to self this is how the HTML looks // //
// // It will look right in the browser but the export will get it horriby wrong // This is what the export puts out // //
// //
it('Gets the HTML of a Pad with a bunch of weird unordered lists inserted', function(done) { api.get(endPoint('getHTML')+"&padID=test") .expect(function(res){ console.log(; if( !== ULhtml) throw new Error("Imported HTML does not match served HTML") }) .expect('Content-Type', /json/) .expect(200, done) }); }) var endPoint = function(point){ return '/api/'+apiVersion+'/'+point+'?apikey='+apiKey; } function makeid() { var text = ""; var possible = "ABCDEFGHIJKLMNOPQRSTUVWXYZabcdefghijklmnopqrstuvwxyz0123456789"; for( var i=0; i < 5; i++ ){ text += possible.charAt(Math.floor(Math.random() * possible.length)); } return text; }