== Embed parameters You can easily embed your etherpad-lite into any webpage by using iframes. You can configure the embedded pad using embed parameters. Example: Cut and paste the following code into any webpage to embed a pad. The parameters below will hide the chat and the line numbers and will auto-focus on Line 4. [source, html] ---- ---- === showLineNumbers * Boolean Default: true === showControls * Boolean Default: true === showChat * Boolean Default: true === useMonospaceFont * Boolean Default: false === userName * String Default: "unnamed" Example: `userName=Etherpad%20User` === userColor * String (css hex color value) Default: randomly chosen by pad server Example: `userColor=%23ff9900` === noColors * Boolean Default: false === alwaysShowChat * Boolean Default: false === lang * String Default: en Example: `lang=ar` (translates the interface into Arabic) === rtl * Boolean Default: true Displays pad text from right to left. === #L * Int Default: 0 Focuses pad at specific line number and places caret at beginning of this line Special note: Is not a URL parameter but instead of a Hash value