var padManager = require("../node/PadManager"); /** * Tests if new Pads a created with the correct inital values */ exports.createAPad = function(test) { test.expect(7); //Test if PadManager gives null when a Pad don't exist and you don't wish to create it var pad = padManager.getPad("test", false); test.equal(pad, null, "The PadManager gives a value for a pad that was never created'"); //Test if PadManager creates a Pad with the correct id when you want to create it pad = padManager.getPad("test", true); test.equal(, "test", "The PadManager gave a pad with a other id than expeted"); //Test if the startText is correct set var atext = pad.atext(); test.equal(atext.text, padManager.startText + "\n", "The Starttext of a Pad is wrong set"); //Test if the atext().text and text() is the same test.equal(atext.text, pad.text(), "pad.atext().text is not pad.text()"); //Test if the Revision Number is Zero var head = pad.getHeadRevisionNumber(); test.equal(head, 0, "The Revision Number is not zero!"); //Check if the first Author is a empty String var firstAuthor = pad.getRevisionAuthor(0); test.equal(firstAuthor, '', "The Author of the First Revision is not a empty String"); var firstChangeset = pad.getRevisionChangeset(0); test.ok(firstChangeset.indexOf(padManager.startText) > -1, "The first Changeset does not contain the inital Text"); test.done(); }