# v1.1.5 * We updated to express v3 (please [make sure](https://github.com/visionmedia/express/wiki/Migrating-from-2.x-to-3.x) your plugin works under express v3) * `userColor` URL parameter which sets the initial author color * Hooks for "padCreate", "padRemove", "padUpdate" and "padLoad" events * Security patches concerning the handling of messages originating from clients * Our database abstraction layer now natively supports couchDB, levelDB, mongoDB, postgres, and redis! * We now provide a script helping you to migrate from dirtyDB to MySQL * Support running Etherpad Lite behind IIS, using [iisnode](https://github.com/tjanczuk/iisnode/wiki) * LibreJS Licensing information in headers of HTML templates * Default port number to PORT env var, if port isn't specified in settings * Fix for `convert.js` * Raise upper char limit in chat to 999 characters * Fixes for mobile layout * Fixes for usage behind reverse proxy * Improved documentation * Fixed some opera style bugs * Update npm and fix some bugs, this introduces # v1.1 * Introduced Plugin framework * Many bugfixes * Faster page loading * Various UI polishes * Saved Revisions * Read only Real time view * More API functionality # v 1.0.1 * Updated MySQL driver, this fixes some problems with mysql * Fixed export,import and timeslider link when embed parameters are used