const startTime =; const fs = require('fs'); const ueberDB = require('../src/node_modules/ueberdb2'); const mysql = require('../src/node_modules/ueberdb2/node_modules/mysql'); const async = require('../src/node_modules/async'); const Changeset = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/Changeset'); const randomString = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pad_utils').randomString; const AttributePool = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/AttributePool'); const settingsFile = process.argv[2]; const sqlOutputFile = process.argv[3]; // stop if the settings file is not set if (!settingsFile || !sqlOutputFile) { console.error('Use: node convert.js $SETTINGSFILE $SQLOUTPUT'); process.exit(1); } log('read settings file...'); // read the settings file and parse the json const settings = JSON.parse(fs.readFileSync(settingsFile, 'utf8')); log('done'); log('open output file...'); const sqlOutput = fs.openSync(sqlOutputFile, 'w'); const sql = 'SET CHARACTER SET UTF8;\n' + 'CREATE TABLE IF NOT EXISTS `store` ( \n' + '`key` VARCHAR( 100 ) NOT NULL , \n' + '`value` LONGTEXT NOT NULL , \n' + 'PRIMARY KEY ( `key` ) \n' + ') ENGINE = INNODB;\n' + 'START TRANSACTION;\n\n'; fs.writeSync(sqlOutput, sql); log('done'); const etherpadDB = mysql.createConnection({ host:, user: settings.etherpadDB.user, password: settings.etherpadDB.password, database: settings.etherpadDB.database, port: settings.etherpadDB.port, }); // get the timestamp once const timestamp =; let padIDs; async.series([ // get all padids out of the database... function (callback) { log('get all padIds out of the database...'); etherpadDB.query('SELECT ID FROM PAD_META', [], (err, _padIDs) => { padIDs = _padIDs; callback(err); }); }, function (callback) { log('done'); // create a queue with a concurrency 100 const queue = async.queue((padId, callback) => { convertPad(padId, (err) => { incrementPadStats(); callback(err); }); }, 100); // set the step callback as the queue callback queue.drain = callback; // add the padids to the worker queue for (let i = 0, length = padIDs.length; i < length; i++) { queue.push(padIDs[i].ID); } }, ], (err) => { if (err) throw err; // write the groups let sql = ''; for (const proID in proID2groupID) { const groupID = proID2groupID[proID]; const subdomain = proID2subdomain[proID]; sql += `REPLACE INTO store VALUES (${etherpadDB.escape(`group:${groupID}`)}, ${etherpadDB.escape(JSON.stringify(groups[groupID]))});\n`; sql += `REPLACE INTO store VALUES (${etherpadDB.escape(`mapper2group:subdomain:${subdomain}`)}, ${etherpadDB.escape(groupID)});\n`; } // close transaction sql += 'COMMIT;'; // end the sql file fs.writeSync(sqlOutput, sql, undefined, 'utf-8'); fs.closeSync(sqlOutput); log('finished.'); process.exit(0); }); function log(str) { console.log(`${( - startTime) / 1000}\t${str}`); } let padsDone = 0; function incrementPadStats() { padsDone++; if (padsDone % 100 == 0) { const averageTime = Math.round(padsDone / (( - startTime) / 1000)); log(`${padsDone}/${padIDs.length}\t${averageTime} pad/s`); } } var proID2groupID = {}; var proID2subdomain = {}; var groups = {}; function convertPad(padId, callback) { const changesets = []; const changesetsMeta = []; const chatMessages = []; const authors = []; let apool; let subdomain; let padmeta; async.series([ // get all needed db values function (callback) { async.parallel([ // get the pad revisions function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT * FROM `PAD_CHAT_TEXT` WHERE NUMID = (SELECT `NUMID` FROM `PAD_CHAT_META` WHERE ID=?)'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { // parse the pages for (let i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { parsePage(chatMessages, results[i].PAGESTART, results[i].OFFSETS, results[i].DATA, true); } } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the chat entries function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT * FROM `PAD_REVS_TEXT` WHERE NUMID = (SELECT `NUMID` FROM `PAD_REVS_META` WHERE ID=?)'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { // parse the pages for (let i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { parsePage(changesets, results[i].PAGESTART, results[i].OFFSETS, results[i].DATA, false); } } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the pad revisions meta data function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT * FROM `PAD_REVMETA_TEXT` WHERE NUMID = (SELECT `NUMID` FROM `PAD_REVMETA_META` WHERE ID=?)'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { // parse the pages for (let i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { parsePage(changesetsMeta, results[i].PAGESTART, results[i].OFFSETS, results[i].DATA, true); } } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the attribute pool of this pad function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT `JSON` FROM `PAD_APOOL` WHERE `ID` = ?'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { apool = JSON.parse(results[0].JSON).x; } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the authors informations function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT * FROM `PAD_AUTHORS_TEXT` WHERE NUMID = (SELECT `NUMID` FROM `PAD_AUTHORS_META` WHERE ID=?)'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { // parse the pages for (let i = 0, length = results.length; i < length; i++) { parsePage(authors, results[i].PAGESTART, results[i].OFFSETS, results[i].DATA, true); } } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the pad information function (callback) { const sql = 'SELECT JSON FROM `PAD_META` WHERE ID=?'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [padId], (err, results) => { if (!err) { try { padmeta = JSON.parse(results[0].JSON).x; } catch (e) { err = e; } } callback(err); }); }, // get the subdomain function (callback) { // skip if this is no proPad if (padId.indexOf('$') == -1) { callback(); return; } // get the proID out of this padID const proID = padId.split('$')[0]; const sql = 'SELECT subDomain FROM pro_domains WHERE ID = ?'; etherpadDB.query(sql, [proID], (err, results) => { if (!err) { subdomain = results[0].subDomain; } callback(err); }); }, ], callback); }, function (callback) { // saves all values that should be written to the database const values = {}; // this is a pro pad, let's convert it to a group pad if (padId.indexOf('$') != -1) { const padIdParts = padId.split('$'); const proID = padIdParts[0]; const padName = padIdParts[1]; let groupID; // this proID is not converted so far, do it if (proID2groupID[proID] == null) { groupID = `g.${randomString(16)}`; // create the mappers for this new group proID2groupID[proID] = groupID; proID2subdomain[proID] = subdomain; groups[groupID] = {pads: {}}; } // use the generated groupID; groupID = proID2groupID[proID]; // rename the pad padId = `${groupID}$${padName}`; // set the value for this pad in the group groups[groupID].pads[padId] = 1; } try { const newAuthorIDs = {}; const oldName2newName = {}; // replace the authors with generated authors // we need to do that cause where the original etherpad saves pad local authors, the new (lite) etherpad uses them global for (var i in apool.numToAttrib) { var key = apool.numToAttrib[i][0]; const value = apool.numToAttrib[i][1]; // skip non authors and anonymous authors if (key != 'author' || value == '') continue; // generate new author values const authorID = `a.${randomString(16)}`; const authorColorID = authors[i].colorId || Math.floor(Math.random() * (exports.getColorPalette().length)); const authorName = authors[i].name || null; // overwrite the authorID of the attribute pool apool.numToAttrib[i][1] = authorID; // write the author to the database values[`globalAuthor:${authorID}`] = {colorId: authorColorID, name: authorName, timestamp}; // save in mappers newAuthorIDs[i] = authorID; oldName2newName[value] = authorID; } // save all revisions for (var i = 0; i < changesets.length; i++) { values[`pad:${padId}:revs:${i}`] = {changeset: changesets[i], meta: { author: newAuthorIDs[changesetsMeta[i].a], timestamp: changesetsMeta[i].t, atext: changesetsMeta[i].atext || undefined, }}; } // save all chat messages for (var i = 0; i < chatMessages.length; i++) { values[`pad:${padId}:chat:${i}`] = {text: chatMessages[i].lineText, userId: oldName2newName[chatMessages[i].userId], time: chatMessages[i].time}; } // generate the latest atext const fullAPool = (new AttributePool()).fromJsonable(apool); const keyRev = Math.floor(padmeta.head / padmeta.keyRevInterval) * padmeta.keyRevInterval; let atext = changesetsMeta[keyRev].atext; let curRev = keyRev; while (curRev < padmeta.head) { curRev++; const changeset = changesets[curRev]; atext = Changeset.applyToAText(changeset, atext, fullAPool); } values[`pad:${padId}`] = {atext, pool: apool, head: padmeta.head, chatHead: padmeta.numChatMessages}; } catch (e) { console.error(`Error while converting pad ${padId}, pad skipped`); console.error(e.stack ? e.stack : JSON.stringify(e)); callback(); return; } let sql = ''; for (var key in values) { sql += `REPLACE INTO store VALUES (${etherpadDB.escape(key)}, ${etherpadDB.escape(JSON.stringify(values[key]))});\n`; } fs.writeSync(sqlOutput, sql, undefined, 'utf-8'); callback(); }, ], callback); } /** * This parses a Page like Etherpad uses them in the databases * The offsets describes the length of a unit in the page, the data are * all values behind each other */ function parsePage(array, pageStart, offsets, data, json) { let start = 0; const lengths = offsets.split(','); for (let i = 0; i < lengths.length; i++) { let unitLength = lengths[i]; // skip empty units if (unitLength == '') continue; // parse the number unitLength = Number(unitLength); // cut the unit out of data const unit = data.substr(start, unitLength); // put it into the array array[pageStart + i] = json ? JSON.parse(unit) : unit; // update start start += unitLength; } }