# About Etherpad lite is a really-real time collaborative editor spawned from the Hell fire of Etherpad. We're reusing the well tested Etherpad easysync library to make it really realtime. Etherpad Lite is based on node.js what makes it much lighter and more stable than the original Etherpad. Our hope is that this will encourage more users to install a realtime collaborative editor. A smaller and well documented codebase makes it easier for developers to improve the code. Etherpad Lite is optimized to be easy embeddable. Look at our [FAQ Page](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/FAQ) **Online demo**
Visit to test it live.
You can find the same instance behind a nginx, with ssl and in a subpath here -> [https://pad.pitapoison.de/pad/](https://pad.pitapoison.de/pad/) # Etherpad vs Etherpad Lite
 EtherpadEtherpad Lite
Size of the folder (without git history)30 MB1.5 MB
Languages used server sideJavascript (Rhino), Java, ScalaJavascript (node.js)
Lines of server side Javascript code1014105330
RAM Usage immediately after start257 MB16 MB
# Installation **As root:**
  1. Install all dependencies. We need the sqlite development libraries, gzip, git, curl, libssl develop libraries and python
    apt-get install libsqlite3-dev gzip git-core curl python libssl-dev

  2. Install node.js
    1. Download the latest 0.4.x node.js release from http://nodejs.org/#download
    2. Extract it with tar xf node-v0.4*
    3. move into the node folder cd node-v0.4* and build node with ./configure && make && make install
  3. Install npm curl http://npmjs.org/install.sh | sh
**As any user (we recommend creating a separate user called etherpad-lite):**
  1. Move to a folder where you want to install Etherpad Lite. Clone the git repository git clone 'git://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite.git'
  2. Install the dependencies with bin/installDeps.sh (if you have problems at this step, look at the section Troubleshooting below)
  3. Start it with bin/run.sh
  4. Open your web browser and visit http://localhost:9001. You like it? Look at the 'Next Steps' section below
## Troubleshooting ### It fails while installing the sqlite dependency The sqlite package of some Linux versions (including debian lenny) is too old. We need sqlite >=3.6. You have to use a PPA or debian backports. You find sqlite packages for Ubuntu Hardy [here](https://launchpad.net/~mirabilos/+archive/ppa/+sourcepub/1304941/+listing-archive-extra), Debian Backports can be found [here](http://backports-master.debian.org/Instructions/#index1h2) ### It fails while installing the express dependency, it says my node version is wrong You might have installed node.js version 0.5. You can check that with `node --version`. Please reinstall node 0.4.x ### My installation process stopped, now it doesn't work anymore, what can I do? Remove the node_modules folder. This forces run.sh to reinstall all dependencies ## Next Steps You can modify the settings in the file settings.json You can update to the latest version with `git pull origin`. The next start with bin/run.sh will update the dependencies Look at this wiki pages: * [How to deploy Etherpad Lite as a service](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/How-to-deploy-Etherpad-Lite-as-a-service) * [How to put Etherpad Lite behind a reverse Proxy](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/How-to-put-Etherpad-Lite-behind-a-reverse-Proxy) * [How to customize your Etherpad Lite installation](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/How-to-customize-your-Etherpad-Lite-installation) You can find more information in the [wiki](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki). Feel free to improve these wiki pages # Develop If you're new to git and github, start here . If you're new to node.js, start with this video . You can debug with `bin/debugRun.sh` If you wanna find out how Etherpads Easysync works (the library that makes it really realtime), start with this [PDF](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/raw/master/doc/easysync/easysync-full-description.pdf) (complex, but worth reading it). You know all this and just want to know how you can help? Look at the [TODO list](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/TODO). You can join the [mailinglist](http://groups.google.com/group/etherpad-lite-dev) or go to the freenode irc channel [#etherpad-lite-dev](http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=#etherpad-lite-dev) You also help the project, if you only host a Etherpad Lite instance and share your experience with us. # Modules created for this project * [ueberDB](https://github.com/Pita/ueberDB) "transforms every database into a object key value store" - manages all database access * [doc.md](https://github.com/Pita/doc.md) "A simple JSDoc documentation tool that creates markdown for node.js modules exports" - is used to generate the docs * [channels](https://github.com/Pita/channels) "Event channels in node.js" - ensures that ueberDB operations are atomic and in series for each key # License [Apache License v2](http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0.html)