/** * This code is mostly from the old Etherpad. Please help us to comment this code. * This helps other people to understand this code better and helps them to improve it. * TL;DR COMMENTS ON THIS FILE ARE HIGHLY APPRECIATED */ /** * Copyright 2009 Google Inc. * * Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the "License"); * you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. * You may obtain a copy of the License at * * http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 * * Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software * distributed under the License is distributed on an "AS-IS" BASIS, * WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. * See the License for the specific language governing permissions and * limitations under the License. */ function makeVirtualLineView(lineNode) { // how much to jump forward or backward at once in a charSeeker before // constructing a DOM node and checking the coordinates (which takes a // significant fraction of a millisecond). From the // coordinates and the approximate line height we can estimate how // many lines we have moved. We risk being off if the number of lines // we move is on the order of the line height in pixels. Fortunately, // when the user boosts the font-size they increase both. var maxCharIncrement = 20; var seekerAtEnd = null; function getNumChars() { return lineNode.textContent.length; } function getNumVirtualLines() { if (!seekerAtEnd) { var seeker = makeCharSeeker(); seeker.forwardByWhile(maxCharIncrement); seekerAtEnd = seeker; } return seekerAtEnd.getVirtualLine() + 1; } function getVLineAndOffsetForChar(lineChar) { var seeker = makeCharSeeker(); seeker.forwardByWhile(maxCharIncrement, null, lineChar); var theLine = seeker.getVirtualLine(); seeker.backwardByWhile(8, function() { return seeker.getVirtualLine() == theLine; }); seeker.forwardByWhile(1, function() { return seeker.getVirtualLine() != theLine; }); var lineStartChar = seeker.getOffset(); return { vline: theLine, offset: (lineChar - lineStartChar) }; } function getCharForVLineAndOffset(vline, offset) { // returns revised vline and offset as well as absolute char index within line. // if offset is beyond end of line, for example, will give new offset at end of line. var seeker = makeCharSeeker(); // go to start of line seeker.binarySearch(function() { return seeker.getVirtualLine() >= vline; }); var lineStart = seeker.getOffset(); var theLine = seeker.getVirtualLine(); // go to offset, overshooting the virtual line only if offset is too large for it seeker.forwardByWhile(maxCharIncrement, null, lineStart + offset); // get back into line seeker.backwardByWhile(1, function() { return seeker.getVirtualLine() != theLine; }, lineStart); var lineChar = seeker.getOffset(); var theOffset = lineChar - lineStart; // handle case of last virtual line; should be able to be at end of it if (theOffset < offset && theLine == (getNumVirtualLines() - 1)) { var lineLen = getNumChars(); theOffset += lineLen - lineChar; lineChar = lineLen; } return { vline: theLine, offset: theOffset, lineChar: lineChar }; } return { getNumVirtualLines: getNumVirtualLines, getVLineAndOffsetForChar: getVLineAndOffsetForChar, getCharForVLineAndOffset: getCharForVLineAndOffset, makeCharSeeker: function() { return makeCharSeeker(); } }; function deepFirstChildTextNode(nd) { nd = nd.firstChild; while (nd && nd.firstChild) nd = nd.firstChild; if (nd.data) return nd; return null; } function makeCharSeeker( /*lineNode*/ ) { function charCoords(tnode, i) { var container = tnode.parentNode; // treat space specially; a space at the end of a virtual line // will have weird coordinates var isSpace = (tnode.nodeValue.charAt(i) === " "); if (isSpace) { if (i == 0) { if (container.previousSibling && deepFirstChildTextNode(container.previousSibling)) { tnode = deepFirstChildTextNode(container.previousSibling); i = tnode.length - 1; container = tnode.parentNode; } else { return { top: container.offsetTop, left: container.offsetLeft }; } } else { i--; // use previous char } } var charWrapper = document.createElement("SPAN"); // wrap the character var tnodeText = tnode.nodeValue; var frag = document.createDocumentFragment(); frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tnodeText.substring(0, i))); charWrapper.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tnodeText.substr(i, 1))); frag.appendChild(charWrapper); frag.appendChild(document.createTextNode(tnodeText.substring(i + 1))); container.replaceChild(frag, tnode); var result = { top: charWrapper.offsetTop, left: charWrapper.offsetLeft + (isSpace ? charWrapper.offsetWidth : 0), height: charWrapper.offsetHeight }; while (container.firstChild) container.removeChild(container.firstChild); container.appendChild(tnode); return result; } var lineText = lineNode.textContent; var lineLength = lineText.length; var curNode = null; var curChar = 0; var curCharWithinNode = 0 var curTop; var curLeft; var approxLineHeight; var whichLine = 0; function nextNode() { var n = curNode; if (!n) n = lineNode.firstChild; else n = n.nextSibling; while (n && !deepFirstChildTextNode(n)) { n = n.nextSibling; } return n; } function prevNode() { var n = curNode; if (!n) n = lineNode.lastChild; else n = n.previousSibling; while (n && !deepFirstChildTextNode(n)) { n = n.previousSibling; } return n; } var seeker; if (lineLength > 0) { curNode = nextNode(); var firstCharData = charCoords(deepFirstChildTextNode(curNode), 0); approxLineHeight = firstCharData.height; curTop = firstCharData.top; curLeft = firstCharData.left; function updateCharData(tnode, i) { var coords = charCoords(tnode, i); whichLine += Math.round((coords.top - curTop) / approxLineHeight); curTop = coords.top; curLeft = coords.left; } seeker = { forward: function(numChars) { var oldChar = curChar; var newChar = curChar + numChars; if (newChar > (lineLength - 1)) newChar = lineLength - 1; while (curChar < newChar) { var curNodeLength = deepFirstChildTextNode(curNode).length; var toGo = curNodeLength - curCharWithinNode; if (curChar + toGo > newChar || !nextNode()) { // going to next node would be too far var n = newChar - curChar; if (n >= toGo) n = toGo - 1; curChar += n; curCharWithinNode += n; break; } else { // go to next node curChar += toGo; curCharWithinNode = 0; curNode = nextNode(); } } updateCharData(deepFirstChildTextNode(curNode), curCharWithinNode); return curChar - oldChar; }, backward: function(numChars) { var oldChar = curChar; var newChar = curChar - numChars; if (newChar < 0) newChar = 0; while (curChar > newChar) { if (curChar - curCharWithinNode <= newChar || !prevNode()) { // going to prev node would be too far var n = curChar - newChar; if (n > curCharWithinNode) n = curCharWithinNode; curChar -= n; curCharWithinNode -= n; break; } else { // go to prev node curChar -= curCharWithinNode + 1; curNode = prevNode(); curCharWithinNode = deepFirstChildTextNode(curNode).length - 1; } } updateCharData(deepFirstChildTextNode(curNode), curCharWithinNode); return oldChar - curChar; }, getVirtualLine: function() { return whichLine; }, getLeftCoord: function() { return curLeft; } }; } else { curLeft = lineNode.offsetLeft; seeker = { forward: function(numChars) { return 0; }, backward: function(numChars) { return 0; }, getVirtualLine: function() { return 0; }, getLeftCoord: function() { return curLeft; } }; } seeker.getOffset = function() { return curChar; }; seeker.getLineLength = function() { return lineLength; }; seeker.toString = function() { return "seeker[curChar: " + curChar + "(" + lineText.charAt(curChar) + "), left: " + seeker.getLeftCoord() + ", vline: " + seeker.getVirtualLine() + "]"; }; function moveByWhile(isBackward, amount, optCondFunc, optCharLimit) { var charsMovedLast = null; var hasCondFunc = ((typeof optCondFunc) == "function"); var condFunc = optCondFunc; var hasCharLimit = ((typeof optCharLimit) == "number"); var charLimit = optCharLimit; while (charsMovedLast !== 0 && ((!hasCondFunc) || condFunc())) { var toMove = amount; if (hasCharLimit) { var untilLimit = (isBackward ? curChar - charLimit : charLimit - curChar); if (untilLimit < toMove) toMove = untilLimit; } if (toMove < 0) break; charsMovedLast = (isBackward ? seeker.backward(toMove) : seeker.forward(toMove)); } } seeker.forwardByWhile = function(amount, optCondFunc, optCharLimit) { moveByWhile(false, amount, optCondFunc, optCharLimit); } seeker.backwardByWhile = function(amount, optCondFunc, optCharLimit) { moveByWhile(true, amount, optCondFunc, optCharLimit); } seeker.binarySearch = function(condFunc) { // returns index of boundary between false chars and true chars; // positions seeker at first true char, or else last char var trueFunc = condFunc; var falseFunc = function() { return !condFunc(); }; seeker.forwardByWhile(20, falseFunc); seeker.backwardByWhile(20, trueFunc); seeker.forwardByWhile(10, falseFunc); seeker.backwardByWhile(5, trueFunc); seeker.forwardByWhile(1, falseFunc); return seeker.getOffset() + (condFunc() ? 0 : 1); } return seeker; } } exports.makeVirtualLineView = makeVirtualLineView;