# Database structure ## Keys and their values ### groups A list of all existing groups (a JSON object with groupIDs as keys and `1` as values). ### pad:$PADID Contains all information about pads * **atext** - the latest attributed text * **pool** - the attribute pool * **head** - the number of the latest revision * **chatHead** - the number of the latest chat entry * **public** - flag that disables security for this pad * **passwordHash** - string that contains a salted sha512 sum of this pad's password ### pad:$PADID:revs:$REVNUM Saves a revision $REVNUM of pad $PADID * **meta** * **author** - the autorID of this revision * **timestamp** - the timestamp of when this revision was created * **changeset** - the changeset of this revision ### pad:$PADID:chat:$CHATNUM Saves a chat entry with num $CHATNUM of pad $PADID * **text** - the text of this chat entry * **userId** - the authorID of this chat entry * **time** - the timestamp of this chat entry ### pad2readonly:$PADID Translates a padID to a readonlyID ### readonly2pad:$READONLYID Translates a readonlyID to a padID ### token2author:$TOKENID Translates a token to an authorID ### globalAuthor:$AUTHORID Information about an author * **name** - the name of this author as shown in the pad * **colorID** - the colorID of this author as shown in the pad ### mapper2group:$MAPPER Maps an external application identifier to an internal group ### mapper2author:$MAPPER Maps an external application identifier to an internal author ### group:$GROUPID a group of pads * **pads** - object with pad names in it, values are 1 ### session:$SESSIONID a session between an author and a group * **groupID** - the groupID the session belongs too * **authorID** - the authorID the session belongs too * **validUntil** - the timestamp until this session is valid ### author2sessions:$AUTHORID saves the sessions of an author * **sessionsIDs** - object with sessionIDs in it, values are 1 ### group2sessions:$GROUPID * **sessionsIDs** - object with sessionIDs in it, values are 1