describe('delete keystroke', function () { // create a new pad before each test run beforeEach(function (cb) { helper.newPad(cb); this.timeout(60000); }); it('makes text delete', function (done) { const inner$ = helper.padInner$; const chrome$ = helper.padChrome$; // get the first text element out of the inner iframe const $firstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // get the original length of this element const elementLength = $firstTextElement.text().length; // get the original string value minus the last char const originalTextValue = $firstTextElement.text(); const originalTextValueMinusFirstChar = originalTextValue.substring(1, originalTextValue.length); // simulate key presses to delete content $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{leftarrow}'); // simulate a keypress of the left arrow key $firstTextElement.sendkeys('{del}'); // simulate a keypress of delete // ace creates a new dom element when you press a keystroke, so just get the first text element again const $newFirstTextElement = inner$('div').first(); // get the new length of this element const newElementLength = $newFirstTextElement.text().length; // expect it to be one char less in length expect(newElementLength) - 1)); done(); }); });