Colorpallet has 64 colors, not 32, see line 26 in [src/node/db/AuthorManager.js](4c45ac3cb1/src/node/db/AuthorManager.js)
By expanding to full range, get better contrasts when there are more than 15 users. It may be helpful to examine color choices a little more and find a better algorithm for automatically assigning colors to users.
Do not touch vendorized files (e.g. libraries that were imported from external
No functional changes.
find . -name '*.<EXTENSION>' -type f -print0 | xargs -0 sed -i 's/[[:space:]]*$//'
This is documented to be more performant.
The substitution was made on frontend code, too (i.e., the one in /static),
because is supported since IE 9, and we are life supporting only
IE 11.
find . -name *.js | xargs sed --in-place "s/new Date().getTime()/"
find . -name *.js | xargs sed --in-place "s/(new Date()).getTime()/"
Not done on jQuery.
This simply shares a common implementation and makes no judgements on the validity of its use. The string created is not a secure random number, so some uses of it may not be applicable.