db/GroupManager.js: mostly converted to Promises / async

Ray Bellis 2019-01-25 12:56:57 +00:00
parent 29e9f86cad
commit 70a045ad3c
1 changed files with 102 additions and 239 deletions

View File

@ -21,305 +21,168 @@
var ERR = require("async-stacktrace");
var customError = require("../utils/customError");
var randomString = require('ep_etherpad-lite/static/js/pad_utils').randomString;
var db = require("./DB").db;
var async = require("async");
var db = require("./DB");
var padManager = require("./PadManager");
var sessionManager = require("./SessionManager");
const thenify = require("thenify").withCallback;
exports.listAllGroups = thenify(function(callback) {
db.get("groups", function (err, groups) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
if (groups == null) {
// there are no groups
callback(null, {groupIDs: []});
var groupIDs = [];
for (var groupID in groups) {
callback(null, {groupIDs: groupIDs});
exports.deleteGroup = thenify(function(groupID, callback)
exports.listAllGroups = async function()
var group;
let groups = await db.get("groups");
groups = groups || {};
// ensure group exists
function (callback) {
// try to get the group entry
db.get("group:" + groupID, function (err, _group) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
let groupIDs = Object.keys(groups);
return { groupIDs };
if (_group == null) {
// group does not exist
callback(new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror"));
exports.deleteGroup = async function(groupID)
let group = await db.get("group:" + groupID);
// group exists, everything is fine
group = _group;
// ensure group exists
if (group == null) {
// group does not exist
throw new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror");
// iterate through all pads of this group and delete them
function(callback) {
// collect all padIDs in an array, that allows us to use async.forEach
var padIDs = [];
for(var i in group.pads) {
// iterate through all pads of this group and delete them
for (let padID in group.pads) {
let pad = await padManager.getPad(padID);
await pad.remove();
// loop through all pads and delete them
async.forEach(padIDs, function(padID, callback) {
padManager.getPad(padID, function(err, pad) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// iterate through group2sessions and delete all sessions
let group2sessions = await db.get("group2sessions:" + groupID);
let sessions = group2sessions ? group2sessions.sessionsIDs : [];
}, callback);
// loop through all sessions and delete them
for (let session in sessions) {
await sessionManager.deleteSession(session);
// iterate through group2sessions and delete all sessions
// try to get the group entry
db.get("group2sessions:" + groupID, function (err, group2sessions) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// remove group and group2sessions entry
await db.remove("group2sessions:" + groupID);
await db.remove("group:" + groupID);
// skip if there is no group2sessions entry
if (group2sessions == null) { callback(); return }
// unlist the group
let groups = await exports.listAllGroups();
groups = groups ? groups.groupIDs : [];
// collect all sessions in an array, that allows us to use async.forEach
var sessions = [];
for (var i in group2sessions.sessionsIDs) {
let index = groups.indexOf(groupID);
// loop through all sessions and delete them
async.forEach(sessions, function(session, callback) {
sessionManager.deleteSession(session, callback);
}, callback);
if (index === -1) {
// it's not listed
// remove group and group2sessions entry
function(callback) {
db.remove("group2sessions:" + groupID);
db.remove("group:" + groupID);
// unlist the group
function(callback) {
exports.listAllGroups(function(err, groups) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
groups = groups? groups.groupIDs : [];
// remove from the list
groups.splice(index, 1);
let index = groups.indexOf(groupID);
if (index === -1) {
// it's not listed
// remove from the list
groups.splice(index, 1);
// store empty group list
if (groups.length == 0) {
db.set("groups", {});
// regenerate group list
var newGroups = {};
async.forEach(groups, function(group, cb) {
newGroups[group] = 1;
function() {
db.set("groups", newGroups);
function(err) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// regenerate group list
var newGroups = {};
groups.forEach(group => newGroups[group] = 1);
await db.set("groups", newGroups);
// @TODO: this is the only function still called with a callback
exports.doesGroupExist = thenify(function(groupID, callback)
// try to get the group entry
db.get("group:" + groupID, function (err, group) {
db.db.get("group:" + groupID, function (err, group) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
callback(null, group != null);
exports.createGroup = thenify(function(callback)
exports.createGroup = async function()
// search for non existing groupID
var groupID = "g." + randomString(16);
// create the group
db.set("group:" + groupID, {pads: {}});
await db.set("group:" + groupID, {pads: {}});
// list the group
exports.listAllGroups(function(err, groups) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
let groups = await exports.listAllGroups();
groups = groups? groups.groupIDs : [];
groups = groups? groups.groupIDs : [];
// regenerate group list
var newGroups = {};
groups.forEach(group => newGroups[group] = 1);
await db.set("groups", newGroups);
// regenerate group list
var newGroups = {};
async.forEach(groups, function(group, cb) {
newGroups[group] = 1;
function() {
db.set("groups", newGroups);
callback(null, {groupID: groupID});
return { groupID };
exports.createGroupIfNotExistsFor = thenify(function(groupMapper, callback)
exports.createGroupIfNotExistsFor = async function(groupMapper)
// ensure mapper is optional
if (typeof groupMapper !== "string") {
callback(new customError("groupMapper is not a string", "apierror"));
throw new customError("groupMapper is not a string", "apierror");
// try to get a group for this mapper
db.get("mapper2group:" + groupMapper, function(err, groupID) {
function createGroupForMapper(cb) {
exports.createGroup(function(err, responseObj) {
if (ERR(err, cb)) return;
let groupID = await db.get("mapper2group:" + groupMapper);
// create the mapper entry for this group
db.set("mapper2group:" + groupMapper, responseObj.groupID);
if (groupID) {
// there is a group for this mapper
let exists = await exports.doesGroupExist(groupID);
cb(null, responseObj);
if (exists) return { groupID };
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// hah, the returned group doesn't exist, let's create one
let result = await exports.createGroup();
if (groupID) {
// there is a group for this mapper
exports.doesGroupExist(groupID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// create the mapper entry for this group
await db.set("mapper2group:" + groupMapper, result.groupID);
if (exists) return callback(null, {groupID: groupID});
return result;
// hah, the returned group doesn't exist, let's create one
// there is no group for this mapper, let's create a group
exports.createGroupPad = thenify(function(groupID, padName, text, callback)
exports.createGroupPad = async function(groupID, padName, text)
// create the padID
var padID = groupID + "$" + padName;
let padID = groupID + "$" + padName;
// ensure group exists
function (callback) {
exports.doesGroupExist(groupID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// ensure group exists
let groupExists = await exports.doesGroupExist(groupID);
if (!exists) {
// group does not exist
callback(new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror"));
if (!groupExists) {
throw new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror");
// group exists, everything is fine
// ensure pad doesn't exist already
let padExists = await padManager.doesPadExists(padID);
// ensure pad doesn't exist already
function (callback) {
padManager.doesPadExists(padID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
if (padExists) {
// pad exists already
throw new customError("padName does already exist", "apierror");
if (exists == true) {
// pad exists already
callback(new customError("padName does already exist", "apierror"));
// create the pad
await padManager.getPad(padID, text);
// pad does not exist, everything is fine
//create an entry in the group for this pad
await db.setSub("group:" + groupID, ["pads", padID], 1);
// create the pad
function (callback) {
padManager.getPad(padID, text, function(err) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
return { padID };
// create an entry in the group for this pad
function (callback) {
db.setSub("group:" + groupID, ["pads", padID], 1);
function(err) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
callback(null, {padID: padID});
exports.listPads = thenify(function(groupID, callback)
exports.listPads = async function(groupID)
exports.doesGroupExist(groupID, function(err, exists) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
let exists = await exports.doesGroupExist(groupID);
// ensure the group exists
if (!exists) {
callback(new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror"));
// ensure the group exists
if (!exists) {
throw new customError("groupID does not exist", "apierror");
// group exists, let's get the pads
db.getSub("group:" + groupID, ["pads"], function(err, result) {
if (ERR(err, callback)) return;
// group exists, let's get the pads
let result = await db.getSub("group:" + groupID, ["pads"]);
let padIDs = Object.keys(result);
var pads = [];
for ( var padId in result ) {
callback(null, {padIDs: pads});
return { padIDs };