1. Download latest node.js version from <http://nodejs.org/> and build it with this instructions <https://github.com/joyent/node/wiki/Installation>. <br>THE NODE.JS VERSION OF YOUR LINUX REPOSITORY MAY BE TOO OLD. PLEASE COMPILE FROM THE SOURCE TO GET SURE YOU HAVE THE LATEST VERSION.
You can update to the latest version with `git pull origin && npm link`
You can debug with `bin/runDebug.sh`
# Develop
If you're new to git and github, start here <http://learn.github.com/p/intro.html>.
If you're new to node.js, start with this video <http://youtu.be/jo_B4LTHi3I>.
If you wanna find out how Etherpads Easysync works (the library that makes it realy realtime), start with this [PDF](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/raw/master/doc/easysync/easysync-full-description.pdf) (complex, but worth reading it).
You know all this and just want to know how you can help? Look at the [TODO list](https://github.com/Pita/etherpad-lite/wiki/TODO).
You can join the [mailinglist](http://groups.google.com/group/etherpad-lite-dev) or go to the freenode irc channel [#etherpad-lite-dev](http://webchat.freenode.net?channels=#etherpad-lite-dev)
You also help the project, if you only host a ep-lite instance and share your experience with us.