38 lines
1.6 KiB

# This is a comment.
# Each line is a file pattern followed by one or more owners.
# These owners will be the default owners for everything in
# the repo. Unless a later match takes precedence,
# @global-owner1 and @global-owner2 will be requested for
# review when someone opens a pull request.
# ⬇️ Removed so we can manually trigger checks
# * @calcom/reviewers
.github/ @calcom/core
.husky/ @calcom/core
.vcode/ @calcom/core
.snaplet/ @calcom/core
deploy/ @calcom/core
scripts/ @calcom/core
apps/docs @calcom/docs
apps/swagger @calcom/docs
packages/app-store-cli @hariombalhara @calcom/core
packages/dayjs @zomars @calcom/core
packages/emails @zomars @calcom/core
packages/embeds @hariombalhara @calcom/core
packages/eslint-plugin @zomars @calcom/core
packages/features @zomars @calcom/core
packages/features/kbar @alishaz-polymath @calcom/core
packages/features/ee/impersonation @sean-brydon @calcom/core
packages/features/ee/payments @alannnc @calcom/core
packages/features/ee/workflows @CarinaWolli @calcom/core
packages/features/tips @PeerRich @calcom/core
# Trivial changes should be mergeable by core team as well
# Major UI changes must be reviewed by UI team
# Critical changes even if major can still be merged by core team if needed.
packages/ui @calcom/ui @calcom/core
packages/config @calcom/core
packages/app-store/routing-forms @hariombalhara @calcom/core