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import type { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
// converts a date to 2022-04-25 for example.
export const yyyymmdd = (date: Date | Dayjs) =>
date instanceof Date ? dayjs(date).format("YYYY-MM-DD") : date.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
// @see: - for the reason we're not using dayjs to do this.
export const daysInMonth = (date: Date | Dayjs) => {
const [year, month] =
date instanceof Date ? [date.getFullYear(), date.getMonth()] : [date.year(), date.month()];
// strange JS quirk: new Date(2022, 12, 0).getMonth() = 11
return new Date(year, month + 1, 0).getDate();
* Expects timeFormat to be either 12 or 24, if null or undefined
* is passed in, we always default back to 24 hour notation.
export const formatTime = (
date: string | Date | Dayjs,
timeFormat?: number | null,
timeZone?: string | null
) => {
// console.log(timeZone, date);
return timeZone
? dayjs(date)
.format(timeFormat === 12 ? "h:mma" : "HH:mm")
: dayjs(date).format(timeFormat === 12 ? "h:mma" : "HH:mm");
* Returns a localized and translated date or time, based on the native
* Intl.DateTimeFormat available to JS. Undefined values mean the browser's
* locale will be used.
export const formatLocalizedDateTime = (
date: Date | Dayjs,
options: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions = {},
locale: string | undefined = undefined
) => {
const theDate = date instanceof dayjs ? (date as Dayjs).toDate() : (date as Date);
return Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, options).format(theDate);
* Returns a localized and translated calendar day based on the
* given Date object and locale. Undefined values mean the defaults
* associated with the browser's current locale will be used.
export const formatToLocalizedDate = (
date: Date | Dayjs,
locale: string | undefined = undefined,
dateStyle: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["dateStyle"] = "long"
) => formatLocalizedDateTime(date, { dateStyle }, locale);
* Returns a localized and translated time of day based on the
* given Date object and locale. Undefined values mean the defaults
* associated with the browser's current locale will be used.
export const formatToLocalizedTime = (
date: Date | Dayjs,
locale: string | undefined = undefined,
timeStyle: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["timeStyle"] = "short",
hour12: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["hour12"] = undefined
) => formatLocalizedDateTime(date, { timeStyle, hour12 }, locale);
* Returns a translated timezone based on the given Date object and
* locale. Undefined values mean the browser's current locale
* will be used.
export const formatToLocalizedTimezone = (
date: Date | Dayjs,
locale: string | undefined = undefined,
timeZoneName: Intl.DateTimeFormatOptions["timeZoneName"] = "long"
) => {
// Intl.DateTimeFormat doesn't format into a timezone only, so we must
// formatToParts() and return the piece we want
const theDate = date instanceof dayjs ? (date as Dayjs).toDate() : (date as Date);
return Intl.DateTimeFormat(locale, { timeZoneName })
.find((d) => d.type == "timeZoneName")?.value;
* Sorts two timezones by their offset from GMT.
export const sortByTimezone = (timezoneA: string, timezoneB: string) => {
const timezoneAGmtOffset = dayjs.utc().tz(timezoneA).utcOffset();
const timezoneBGmtOffset = dayjs.utc().tz(timezoneB).utcOffset();
if (timezoneAGmtOffset === timezoneBGmtOffset) return 0;
return timezoneAGmtOffset < timezoneBGmtOffset ? -1 : 1;
* Verifies given time is a day before in timezoneB.
export const isPreviousDayInTimezone = (time: string, timezoneA: string, timezoneB: string) => {
const timeInTimezoneA = formatTime(time, 24, timezoneA);
const timeInTimezoneB = formatTime(time, 24, timezoneB);
if (time === timeInTimezoneB) return false;
// Eg timeInTimezoneA = 12:00 and timeInTimezoneB = 23:00
const hoursTimezoneBIsLater = timeInTimezoneB.localeCompare(timeInTimezoneA) === 1;
// If it is 23:00, does timezoneA come before or after timezoneB in GMT?
const timezoneBIsEarlierTimezone = sortByTimezone(timezoneA, timezoneB) === 1;
return hoursTimezoneBIsLater && timezoneBIsEarlierTimezone;
* Verifies given time is a day after in timezoneB.
export const isNextDayInTimezone = (time: string, timezoneA: string, timezoneB: string) => {
const timeInTimezoneA = formatTime(time, 24, timezoneA);
const timeInTimezoneB = formatTime(time, 24, timezoneB);
if (time === timeInTimezoneB) return false;
// Eg timeInTimezoneA = 12:00 and timeInTimezoneB = 09:00
const hoursTimezoneBIsEarlier = timeInTimezoneB.localeCompare(timeInTimezoneA) === -1;
// If it is 09:00, does timezoneA come before or after timezoneB in GMT?
const timezoneBIsLaterTimezone = sortByTimezone(timezoneA, timezoneB) === -1;
return hoursTimezoneBIsEarlier && timezoneBIsLaterTimezone;