120 lines
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import { useFormContext } from "react-hook-form";
import type { LocationObject } from "@calcom/app-store/locations";
import getLocationOptionsForSelect from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getLocationOptionsForSelect";
import { FormBuilderField } from "@calcom/features/form-builder";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import type { RouterOutputs } from "@calcom/trpc/react";
import { SystemField } from "../../../lib/getBookingFields";
export const BookingFields = ({
}: {
fields: NonNullable<RouterOutputs["viewer"]["public"]["event"]>["bookingFields"];
locations: LocationObject[];
rescheduleUid?: string;
isDynamicGroupBooking: boolean;
}) => {
const { t } = useLocale();
const { watch, setValue } = useFormContext();
const locationResponse = watch("responses.location");
const currentView = rescheduleUid ? "reschedule" : "";
return (
// TODO: It might make sense to extract this logic into BookingFields config, that would allow to quickly configure system fields and their editability in fresh booking and reschedule booking view
{, index) => {
// During reschedule by default all system fields are readOnly. Make them editable on case by case basis.
// Allowing a system field to be edited might require sending emails to attendees, so we need to be careful
let readOnly =
(field.editable === "system" || field.editable === "system-but-optional") && !!rescheduleUid;
let noLabel = false;
let hidden = !!field.hidden;
const fieldViews = field.views;
if (fieldViews && !fieldViews.find((view) => === currentView)) {
return null;
if ( === SystemField.Enum.rescheduleReason) {
// rescheduleReason is a reschedule specific field and thus should be editable during reschedule
readOnly = false;
if ( === SystemField.Enum.smsReminderNumber) {
// `smsReminderNumber` and location.optionValue when location.value===phone are the same data point. We should solve it in a better way in the Form Builder itself.
// I think we should have a way to connect 2 fields together and have them share the same value in Form Builder
if (locationResponse?.value === "phone") {
setValue(`responses.${SystemField.Enum.smsReminderNumber}`, locationResponse?.optionValue);
// Just don't render the field now, as the value is already connected to attendee phone location
return null;
// `smsReminderNumber` can be edited during reschedule even though it's a system field
readOnly = false;
if ( === SystemField.Enum.guests) {
// No matter what user configured for Guests field, we don't show it for dynamic group booking as that doesn't support guests
hidden = isDynamicGroupBooking ? true : !!field.hidden;
// We don't show `notes` field during reschedule
if (
( === SystemField.Enum.notes || === SystemField.Enum.guests) &&
) {
return null;
// Dynamically populate location field options
if ( === SystemField.Enum.location && field.type === "radioInput") {
if (!field.optionsInputs) {
throw new Error("radioInput must have optionsInputs");
const optionsInputs = field.optionsInputs;
// TODO: Instead of `getLocationOptionsForSelect` options should be retrieved from dataStore[field.getOptionsAt]. It would make it agnostic of the `name` of the field.
const options = getLocationOptionsForSelect(locations, t);
options.forEach((option) => {
const optionInput = optionsInputs[option.value as keyof typeof optionsInputs];
if (optionInput) {
optionInput.placeholder = option.inputPlaceholder;
field.options = options.filter(
(location): location is NonNullable<(typeof options)[number]> => !!location
// If we have only one option and it has an input, we don't show the field label because Option name acts as label.
// e.g. If it's just Attendee Phone Number option then we don't show `Location` label
if (field.options.length === 1) {
if (field.optionsInputs[field.options[0].value]) {
noLabel = true;
} else {
// If there's only one option and it doesn't have an input, we don't show the field at all because it's visible in the left side bar
hidden = true;
const label = noLabel ? "" : field.label || t(field.defaultLabel || "");
const placeholder = field.placeholder || t(field.defaultPlaceholder || "");
return (
field={{ ...field, label, placeholder, hidden }}