162 lines
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162 lines
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import type { Page, WorkerInfo } from "@playwright/test";
import type Prisma from "@prisma/client";
import { Prisma as PrismaType, UserPlan } from "@prisma/client";
import { hashPassword } from "@calcom/lib/auth";
import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { TimeZoneEnum } from "./types";
type UserFixture = ReturnType<typeof createUserFixture>;
const userIncludes = PrismaType.validator<PrismaType.UserInclude>()({
eventTypes: true,
credentials: true,
const userWithEventTypes = PrismaType.validator<PrismaType.UserArgs>()({
include: userIncludes,
type UserWithIncludes = PrismaType.UserGetPayload<typeof userWithEventTypes>;
// creates a user fixture instance and stores the collection
export const createUsersFixture = (page: Page, workerInfo: WorkerInfo) => {
const store = { users: [], page } as { users: UserFixture[]; page: typeof page };
return {
create: async (opts?: CustomUserOpts) => {
const _user = await prisma.user.create({
data: await createUser(workerInfo, opts),
await prisma.eventType.create({
data: {
users: {
connect: {
id: _user.id,
title: "Paid",
slug: "paid",
length: 30,
price: 1000,
const user = await prisma.user.findUnique({
rejectOnNotFound: true,
where: { id: _user.id },
include: userIncludes,
const userFixture = createUserFixture(user, store.page!);
return userFixture;
get: () => store.users,
logout: async () => {
await page.goto("/auth/logout");
deleteAll: async () => {
const ids = store.users.map((u) => u.id);
await prisma.user.deleteMany({ where: { id: { in: ids } } });
store.users = [];
delete: async (id: number) => {
await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id } });
store.users = store.users.filter((b) => b.id !== id);
type JSONValue = string | number | boolean | { [x: string]: JSONValue } | Array<JSONValue>;
// creates the single user fixture
const createUserFixture = (user: UserWithIncludes, page: Page) => {
const store = { user, page };
// self is a reflective method that return the Prisma object that references this fixture.
const self = async () =>
(await prisma.user.findUnique({ where: { id: store.user.id }, include: { eventTypes: true } }))!;
return {
id: user.id,
username: user.username,
eventTypes: user.eventTypes!,
login: async () => login({ ...(await self()), password: user.username }, store.page),
getPaymentCredential: async () => getPaymentCredential(store.page),
// ths is for developemnt only aimed to inject debugging messages in the metadata field of the user
debug: async (message: string | Record<string, JSONValue>) => {
await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: store.user.id }, data: { metadata: { debug: message } } });
delete: async () => (await prisma.user.delete({ where: { id: store.user.id } }))!,
type CustomUserOptsKeys = "username" | "password" | "plan" | "completedOnboarding" | "locale";
type CustomUserOpts = Partial<Pick<Prisma.User, CustomUserOptsKeys>> & { timeZone?: TimeZoneEnum };
// creates the actual user in the db.
const createUser = async (
workerInfo: WorkerInfo,
opts?: CustomUserOpts
): Promise<PrismaType.UserCreateInput> => {
// build a unique name for our user
const uname = `${opts?.username ?? opts?.plan?.toLocaleLowerCase() ?? UserPlan.PRO.toLowerCase()}-${
return {
username: uname,
name: (opts?.username ?? opts?.plan ?? UserPlan.PRO).toUpperCase(),
plan: opts?.plan ?? UserPlan.PRO,
email: `${uname}@example.com`,
password: await hashPassword(uname),
emailVerified: new Date(),
completedOnboarding: opts?.completedOnboarding ?? true,
timeZone: opts?.timeZone ?? TimeZoneEnum.UK,
locale: opts?.locale ?? "en",
eventTypes: {
create: {
title: "30 min",
slug: "30-min",
length: 30,
// login using a replay of an E2E routine.
export async function login(
user: Pick<Prisma.User, "username"> & Partial<Pick<Prisma.User, "password" | "email">>,
page: Page
) {
// get locators
const loginLocator = page.locator("[data-testid=login-form]");
const emailLocator = loginLocator.locator("#email");
const passwordLocator = loginLocator.locator("#password");
const signInLocator = loginLocator.locator('[type="submit"]');
await page.goto("/");
await emailLocator.fill(user.email ?? `${user.username}@example.com`);
await passwordLocator.fill(user.password ?? user.username!);
await signInLocator.click();
// 2 seconds of delay to give the session enough time for a clean load
// eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout
await page.waitForTimeout(2000);
export async function getPaymentCredential(page: Page) {
await page.goto("/apps/installed");
/** We start the Stripe flow */
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ url: "https://connect.stripe.com/oauth/v2/authorize?*" }),
page.click('li:has-text("Stripe") >> [data-testid="integration-connection-button"]'),
await Promise.all([
page.waitForNavigation({ url: "/apps/installed" }),
/** We skip filling Stripe forms (testing mode only) */