244 lines
8.6 KiB

import type { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import type { WorkingHours, TimeRange as DateOverride } from "@calcom/types/schedule";
import { getWorkingHours } from "./availability";
export type GetSlots = {
inviteeDate: Dayjs;
frequency: number;
workingHours: WorkingHours[];
dateOverrides?: DateOverride[];
minimumBookingNotice: number;
eventLength: number;
export type TimeFrame = { userIds?: number[]; startTime: number; endTime: number };
const minimumOfOne = (input: number) => (input < 1 ? 1 : input);
function buildSlots({
}: {
computedLocalAvailability: TimeFrame[];
startOfInviteeDay: Dayjs;
startDate: Dayjs;
frequency: number;
eventLength: number;
}) {
// no slots today
if (startOfInviteeDay.isBefore(startDate, "day")) {
return [];
// keep the old safeguards in; may be needed.
frequency = minimumOfOne(frequency);
eventLength = minimumOfOne(eventLength);
// A day starts at 00:00 unless the startDate is the same as the current day
const dayStart = startOfInviteeDay.isSame(startDate, "day")
? Math.ceil((startDate.hour() * 60 + startDate.minute()) / frequency) * frequency
: 0;
// Record type so we can use slotStart as key
const slotsTimeFrameAvailable: Record<
userIds: number[];
startTime: number;
endTime: number;
> = {};
// get boundaries sorted by start time.
const boundaries = computedLocalAvailability
.map((item) => [item.startTime < dayStart ? dayStart : item.startTime, item.endTime])
.sort((a, b) => a[0] - b[0]);
const ranges: number[][] = [];
let currentRange: number[] = [];
for (const [start, end] of boundaries) {
// bypass invalid value
if (start >= end) continue;
// fill first elem
if (!currentRange.length) {
currentRange = [start, end];
if (currentRange[1] < start) {
currentRange = [start, end];
} else if (currentRange[1] < end) {
currentRange[1] = end;
if (currentRange) {
for (const [boundaryStart, boundaryEnd] of ranges) {
// loop through the day, based on frequency.
for (let slotStart = boundaryStart; slotStart < boundaryEnd; slotStart += frequency) {
computedLocalAvailability.forEach((item) => {
// TODO: This logic does not allow for past-midnight bookings.
if (slotStart < item.startTime || slotStart > item.endTime + 15 - eventLength) {
slotsTimeFrameAvailable[slotStart.toString()] = {
userIds: (slotsTimeFrameAvailable[slotStart]?.userIds || []).concat(item.userIds || []),
startTime: slotStart,
endTime: slotStart + eventLength,
// XXX: Hack alert, as dayjs is supposedly not aware of timezone the current slot may have invalid UTC offset.
const timeZone =
(startOfInviteeDay as unknown as { $x: { $timezone: string } })["$x"]["$timezone"] || "UTC";
const slots: { time: Dayjs; userIds?: number[] }[] = [];
for (const item of Object.values(slotsTimeFrameAvailable)) {
* @calcom/web:dev: 2022-11-06T00:00:00-04:00
* @calcom/web:dev: 2022-11-06T01:00:00-04:00
* @calcom/web:dev: 2022-11-06T01:00:00-04:00 <-- note there is no offset change, but we did lose an hour.
* @calcom/web:dev: 2022-11-06T02:00:00-04:00
* @calcom/web:dev: 2022-11-06T03:00:00-04:00
* ...
const slot = {
userIds: item.userIds,
time:, "minute").format("YYYY-MM-DDTHH:mm:ss"), timeZone),
// If the startOfInviteeDay has a different UTC offset than the slot, a DST change has occurred.
// As the time has now fallen backwards, or forwards; this difference -
// needs to be manually added as this is not done for us. Usually 0.
slot.time = slot.time.add(startOfInviteeDay.utcOffset() - slot.time.utcOffset(), "minutes");
return slots;
function fromIndex<T>(cb: (val: T, i: number, a: T[]) => boolean, index: number) {
return function (e: T, i: number, a: T[]) {
return i >= index && cb(e, i, a);
const getSlots = ({
dateOverrides = [],
}: GetSlots) => {
// current date in invitee tz
const startDate = dayjs().utcOffset(inviteeDate.utcOffset()).add(minimumBookingNotice, "minute");
// This code is ran client side, startOf() does some conversions based on the
// local tz of the client. Sometimes this shifts the day incorrectly.
const startOfDayUTC = dayjs.utc().set("hour", 0).set("minute", 0).set("second", 0);
const startOfInviteeDay = inviteeDate.startOf("day");
// checks if the start date is in the past
* TODO: change "day" for "hour" to stop displaying 1 day before today
* This is displaying a day as available as sometimes difference between two dates is < 24 hrs.
* But when doing timezones an available day for an owner can be 2 days available in other users tz.
* */
if (inviteeDate.isBefore(startDate, "day")) {
return [];
// Dayjs does not expose the timeZone value publicly through .get("timeZone")
// instead, we as devs are required to somewhat hack our way to get the ...
// tz value as string
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any
const timeZone: string = (inviteeDate as any)["$x"]["$timezone"];
const workingHoursUTC = => ({
userId: schedule.userId,
days: schedule.days,
startTime: /* Why? */ startOfDayUTC.add(schedule.startTime, "minute"),
endTime: /* Why? */ startOfDayUTC.add(schedule.endTime, "minute"),
const localWorkingHours = getWorkingHours(
// initialize current day with timeZone without conversion, just parse.
utcOffset:, timeZone).utcOffset(),
).filter((hours) => hours.days.includes(;
// Here we split working hour in chunks for every frequency available that can fit in whole working hours
const computedLocalAvailability: TimeFrame[] = [];
let tempComputeTimeFrame: TimeFrame | undefined;
const computeLength = localWorkingHours.length - 1;
const makeTimeFrame = (item: (typeof localWorkingHours)[0]): TimeFrame => ({
userIds: item.userId ? [item.userId] : [],
startTime: item.startTime,
endTime: item.endTime,
localWorkingHours.forEach((item, index) => {
if (!tempComputeTimeFrame) {
tempComputeTimeFrame = makeTimeFrame(item);
} else {
// please check the comment in splitAvailableTime func for the added 1 minute
if (tempComputeTimeFrame.endTime + 1 === item.startTime) {
// to deal with time that across the day, e.g. from 11:59 to to 12:01
tempComputeTimeFrame.endTime = item.endTime;
} else {
tempComputeTimeFrame = makeTimeFrame(item);
if (index == computeLength) {
// an override precedes all the local working hour availability logic.
const activeOverrides = dateOverrides.filter((override) => {
return dayjs.utc(override.start).isBetween(startOfInviteeDay, startOfInviteeDay.endOf("day"), null, "[)");
if (!!activeOverrides.length) {
const overrides = activeOverrides.flatMap((override) => ({
userIds: override.userId ? [override.userId] : [],
startTime: override.start.getUTCHours() * 60 + override.start.getUTCMinutes(),
endTime: override.end.getUTCHours() * 60 + override.end.getUTCMinutes(),
// unset all working hours that relate to this user availability override
overrides.forEach((override) => {
let i = -1;
const indexes: number[] = [];
while (
(i = computedLocalAvailability.findIndex(
(a) => !a.userIds?.length || (!!override.userIds[0] && a.userIds?.includes(override.userIds[0])),
i + 1
)) != -1
) {
// work backwards as splice modifies the original array.
indexes.reverse().forEach((idx) => computedLocalAvailability.splice(idx, 1));
// and push all overrides as new computed availability
return buildSlots({
export default getSlots;