41 lines
1.6 KiB

import { test } from "./lib/fixtures";
test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" });
test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll());
test.describe("Team invites", () => {
test("Can invite a non-existing email address", async ({ page, users }) => {
// Creating the owner user of the team
const adminUser = await users.create();
// Creating the member user of the team
const memberUser = await users.create();
// First we work with owner user, logging in
await adminUser.apiLogin();
// Let's create a team
await page.goto("/settings/teams/new");
await test.step("Creating the team and inviting from wizard", async () => {
// Filling team creation form wizard
await page.locator('input[name="name"]').waitFor();
await page.locator('input[name="name"]').fill(`${adminUser.username}'s Team`);
await page.locator("text=Continue").click();
await page.waitForURL(/\/settings\/teams\/(\d+)\/onboard-members$/i);
await page.getByTestId("new-member-button").click();
await page.locator('[placeholder="email\\@example\\.com"]').fill(`${memberUser.username}`);
await page.getByTestId("invite-new-member-button").click();
// wait for the second member to be added to the pending-member-list.
await page.getByTestId("pending-member-list").locator("li:nth-child(2)").waitFor();
// and publish
await page.locator("text=Publish team").click();
await page.waitForURL("/settings/teams/**");
/*await test.step("Trying to invite same email from settings", async () => {