336 lines
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import { z } from "zod";
import { getValidRhfFieldName } from "@calcom/lib/getValidRhfFieldName";
import { fieldTypesConfigMap } from "./fieldTypes";
import { getVariantsConfig, preprocessNameFieldDataWithVariant } from "./utils";
const fieldTypeEnum = z.enum([
export type FieldType = z.infer<typeof fieldTypeEnum>;
export const EditableSchema = z.enum([
"system", // Can't be deleted, can't be hidden, name can't be edited, can't be marked optional
"system-but-optional", // Can't be deleted. Name can't be edited. But can be hidden or be marked optional
"system-but-hidden", // Can't be deleted, name can't be edited, will be shown
"user", // Fully editable
"user-readonly", // All fields are readOnly.
const baseFieldSchema = z.object({
name: z.string().transform(getValidRhfFieldName),
type: fieldTypeEnum,
// TODO: We should make at least one of `defaultPlaceholder` and `placeholder` required. Do the same for label.
label: z.string().optional(),
labelAsSafeHtml: z.string().optional(),
* It is the default label that will be used when a new field is created.
* Note: It belongs in FieldsTypeConfig, so that changing defaultLabel in code can work for existing fields as well(for fields that are using the default label).
* Supports translation
defaultLabel: z.string().optional(),
placeholder: z.string().optional(),
* It is the default placeholder that will be used when a new field is created.
* Note: Same as defaultLabel, it belongs in FieldsTypeConfig
* Supports translation
defaultPlaceholder: z.string().optional(),
required: z.boolean().default(false).optional(),
* It is the list of options that is valid for a certain type of fields.
options: z.array(z.object({ label: z.string(), value: z.string() })).optional(),
* This is an alternate way to specify options when the options are stored elsewhere. Form Builder expects options to be present at `dataStore[getOptionsAt]`
* This allows keeping a single source of truth in DB.
getOptionsAt: z.string().optional(),
* For `radioInput` type of questions, it stores the input that is shown based on the user option selected.
* e.g. If user is given a list of locations and he selects "Phone", then he will be shown a phone input
optionsInputs: z
// Support all types as needed
// Must be a subset of `fieldTypeEnum`.TODO: Enforce it in TypeScript
type: z.enum(["address", "phone", "text"]),
required: z.boolean().optional(),
placeholder: z.string().optional(),
export const variantsConfigSchema = z.object({
variants: z.record(
* Variant Fields schema for a variant of the main field.
* It doesn't support non text fields as of now
fields: baseFieldSchema
defaultLabel: true,
defaultPlaceholder: true,
options: true,
getOptionsAt: true,
optionsInputs: true,
export type ALL_VIEWS = "ALL_VIEWS";
// It is the config that is specific to a type and doesn't make sense in all fields individually. Any field with the type will automatically inherit this config.
// This allows making changes to the UI without having to make changes to the existing stored configs
export const fieldTypeConfigSchema = z
label: z.string(),
value: fieldTypeEnum,
isTextType: z.boolean().default(false).optional(),
systemOnly: z.boolean().default(false).optional(),
needsOptions: z.boolean().default(false).optional(),
propsType: z.enum([
// It is the config that can tweak what an existing or a new field shows in the App UI or booker UI.
variantsConfig: z
* This is the default variant that will be used when a new field is created.
defaultVariant: z.string(),
* Used only when there are 2 variants, so that UI can be simplified by showing a switch(with this label) instead of a Select
toggleLabel: z.string().optional(),
variants: z.record(
* That's how the variant would be labelled in App UI. This label represents the field in booking questions' list
* Supports translation
label: z.string(),
fieldsMap: z.record(
* Supports translation
defaultLabel: z.string().optional(),
* Supports translation
defaultPlaceholder: z.string().optional(),
* Decides if a variant field's required property can be changed or not
canChangeRequirability: z.boolean().default(true).optional(),
* This is the default configuration for the field.
defaultValue: variantsConfigSchema.optional(),
.refine((data) => {
if (!data.variantsConfig) {
const variantsConfig = data.variantsConfig;
if (!variantsConfig.variants[variantsConfig.defaultVariant]) {
throw new Error(`defaultVariant: ${variantsConfig.defaultVariant} is not in variants`);
return true;
* Main field Schema
export const fieldSchema = baseFieldSchema.merge(
variant: z.string().optional(),
variantsConfig: variantsConfigSchema.optional(),
views: z
label: z.string(),
id: z.string(),
description: z.string().optional(),
* It is used to hide fields such as location when there are less than two options
hideWhenJustOneOption: z.boolean().default(false).optional(),
hidden: z.boolean().optional(),
editable: EditableSchema.default("user").optional(),
sources: z
// Unique ID for the `type`. If type is workflow, it's the workflow ID
id: z.string(),
type: z.union([z.literal("user"), z.literal("system"), z.string()]),
label: z.string(),
editUrl: z.string().optional(),
// Mark if a field is required by this source or not. This allows us to set `field.required` based on all the sources' fieldRequired value
fieldRequired: z.boolean().optional(),
export const fieldsSchema = z.array(fieldSchema);
export const fieldTypesSchemaMap: Partial<
* - preprocess the responses received through prefill query params
* - preprocess the values being filled in the booking form.
* - does not run for the responses received from DB
preprocess: (data: {
field: z.infer<typeof fieldSchema>;
response: any;
isPartialSchema: boolean;
}) => unknown;
* - Validates the response received through prefill query params
* - Validates the values being filled in the booking form.
* - does not run for the responses received from DB
superRefine: (data: {
field: z.infer<typeof fieldSchema>;
response: any;
isPartialSchema: boolean;
ctx: z.RefinementCtx;
m: (key: string) => string;
}) => void;
> = {
name: {
preprocess: ({ response, field }) => {
const fieldTypeConfig = fieldTypesConfigMap[field.type];
const variantInResponse = field.variant || fieldTypeConfig?.variantsConfig?.defaultVariant;
let correctedVariant: "firstAndLastName" | "fullName";
if (!variantInResponse) {
throw new Error("`variant` must be there for the field with `variantsConfig`");
if (variantInResponse !== "firstAndLastName" && variantInResponse !== "fullName") {
correctedVariant = "fullName";
} else {
correctedVariant = variantInResponse;
return preprocessNameFieldDataWithVariant(correctedVariant, response);
superRefine: ({ field, response, isPartialSchema, ctx, m }) => {
const stringSchema = z.string();
const fieldTypeConfig = fieldTypesConfigMap[field.type];
const variantInResponse = field.variant || fieldTypeConfig?.variantsConfig?.defaultVariant;
if (!variantInResponse) {
throw new Error("`variant` must be there for the field with `variantsConfig`");
const variantsConfig = getVariantsConfig(field);
if (!variantsConfig) {
throw new Error("variantsConfig must be there for `name` field");
const fields =
variantsConfig.variants[variantInResponse as keyof typeof variantsConfig.variants].fields;
const variantSupportedFields = ["text"];
if (fields.length === 1) {
const field = fields[0];
if (variantSupportedFields.includes(field.type)) {
const schema = stringSchema;
if (!schema.safeParse(response).success) {
ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("Invalid string") });
} else {
throw new Error(`Unsupported field.type with variants: ${field.type}`);
fields.forEach((subField) => {
const schema = stringSchema;
if (!variantSupportedFields.includes(subField.type)) {
throw new Error(`Unsupported field.type with variants: ${subField.type}`);
const valueIdentified = response as unknown as Record<string, string>;
if (subField.required) {
if (!schema.safeParse(valueIdentified[]).success) {
ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m("Invalid string") });
if (!isPartialSchema && !valueIdentified[])
ctx.addIssue({ code: z.ZodIssueCode.custom, message: m(`error_required_field`) });
* DB Read schema has no field type based validation because user might change the type of a field from Type1 to Type2 after some data has been collected with Type1.
* Parsing that type1 data with type2 schema will fail.
* So, we just validate that the response conforms to one of the field types' schema.
export const dbReadResponseSchema = z.union([
optionValue: z.string(),
value: z.string(),
// For variantsConfig case