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import { Canvas, Meta, Story, ArgsTable } from '@storybook/addon-docs';
import { Examples, Example, Note, Title, VariantsTable, VariantColumn, RowTitles, CustomArgsTable} from '@calcom/storybook/components'
import { Icon } from "@calcom/ui";
import { Button } from './Button';
<Meta title="UI/Button" component={Button} />
<Title title="Buttons" suffix="Brief" subtitle="Version 2.0 — Last Update: 22 Aug 2022"/>
## Definition
Button are clickable elements that initiates user actions. Labels in the button guide users to what action will occur when the user interacts with it.
## Structure
<CustomArgsTable of={Button} />
<Examples title="Button style" footnote={
<li>Primary: Signals most important actions at any given point in the application.</li>
<li>Secondary: Gives visual weight to actions that are important</li>
<li>Minimal: Used for actions that we want to give very little significane to</li>
<Example title="Primary">
<Button className="sb-fake-pseudo--focus">Button text</Button>
<Example title="Secondary">
<Button color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Example title="Minimal">
<Button color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Examples title="State">
<Example title="Default">
<Button>Button text</Button>
<Example title="Hover">
<Button className="sb-pseudo--hover">Button text</Button>
<Example title="Focus">
<Button className="sb-pseudo--focus">Button text</Button>
<Example title="Disabled">
<Button disabled>Button text</Button>
<Example title="Loading">
<Button loading>Button text</Button>
<Examples title="Icons">
<Example title="Default">
<Button>Button text</Button>
<Example title="Icon left">
<Button StartIcon={Icon.FiPlus}>Button text</Button>
<Example title="Icon right">
<Button EndIcon={Icon.FiPlus}>Button text</Button>
## Anatomy
Button are clickable elements that initiates user actions. Labels in the button guide users to what action will occur when the user interacts with it.
## Usage
<Note>In general, there should be only one Primary button in any application context</Note>
<Note>Aim to use maximum 2 words for the button label. Button size can be flexible based on the visual hierarchy and devices. </Note>
<Note>Hover state variant for Mobile button is an option for assistive device.</Note>
<Title offset title="Buttons" suffix="Variants" />
<Story name="All variants">
<VariantsTable titles={['Primary', 'Secondary', 'Minimal', 'Destructive']} columnMinWidth={150}>
<VariantRow variant="Default">
<Button>Button text</Button>
<Button color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Button color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Button color="destructive">Button text</Button>
<VariantRow variant="Hover">
<Button className="sb-pseudo--hover">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--hover" color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--hover" color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--hover" color="destructive">Button text</Button>
<VariantRow variant="Focus">
<Button className="sb-pseudo--focus">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--focus" color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--focus" color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Button className="sb-pseudo--focus" color="destructive">Button text</Button>
<VariantRow variant="Loading">
<Button loading>Button text</Button>
<Button loading color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Button loading color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Button loading color="destructive">Button text</Button>
<VariantRow variant="Disabled">
<Button disabled>Button text</Button>
<Button disabled color="secondary">Button text</Button>
<Button disabled color="minimal">Button text</Button>
<Button disabled color="destructive">Button text</Button>