86 lines
2.8 KiB

import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { Calendar } from "@calcom/features/calendars/weeklyview";
import Shell from "@calcom/features/shell/Shell";
import { yyyymmdd } from "@calcom/lib/date-fns";
import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale";
import { RouterOutputs, trpc } from "@calcom/trpc/react";
import { SkeletonText } from "@calcom/ui";
import useRouterQuery from "@lib/hooks/useRouterQuery";
type User = RouterOutputs["viewer"]["me"];
export interface IBusySlot {
start: string | Date;
end: string | Date;
title?: string;
source?: string | null;
const AvailabilityView = ({ user }: { user: User }) => {
const { date, setQuery: setSelectedDate } = useRouterQuery("date");
const selectedDate = dayjs(date);
const formattedSelectedDate = selectedDate.format("YYYY-MM-DD");
const { data } = trpc.viewer.availability.user.useQuery(
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion
username: user.username!,
dateFrom: selectedDate.startOf("day").utc().format(),
dateTo: selectedDate.endOf("day").utc().format(),
withSource: true,
enabled: !!user.username,
const overrides =
data?.dateOverrides.reduce((acc, override) => {
if (
formattedSelectedDate !== dayjs(override.start).format("YYYY-MM-DD") &&
formattedSelectedDate !== dayjs(override.end).format("YYYY-MM-DD")
return acc;
acc.push({ ...override, source: "Date override" });
return acc;
}, [] as IBusySlot[]) || [];
return (
<div className="max-w-xl overflow-hidden rounded-md border border-gray-200 bg-white">
<div className="px-4">
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
events={[...(data?.busy || []), ...overrides]
.sort((a: IBusySlot, b: IBusySlot) => (a.start > b.start ? -1 : 1))
.map((slot) => ({
// TODO: Modify the Calendar view to be better at displaying blocks.
id: undefined,
(slot.title ? `(${slot.title}) - ` : "") + (slot.source ? `(source: ${slot.source})` : ""),
start: new Date(slot.start),
end: new Date(slot.end),
onDateChange={(e) => setSelectedDate(yyyymmdd(e))}
export default function Troubleshoot() {
const { data, isLoading } =;
const { t } = useLocale();
return (
<Shell heading={t("troubleshoot")} subtitle={t("troubleshoot_description")}>
{!isLoading && data && <AvailabilityView user={data} />}