96 lines
2.9 KiB

import { decodeHTML } from "entities";
import { createTransport } from "nodemailer";
import { z } from "zod";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { getFeatureFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/server/utils";
import { getErrorFromUnknown } from "@calcom/lib/errors";
import { serverConfig } from "@calcom/lib/serverConfig";
import { setTestEmail } from "@calcom/lib/testEmails";
import prisma from "@calcom/prisma";
export default class BaseEmail {
name = "";
protected getTimezone() {
return "";
protected getLocale(): string {
return "";
protected getFormattedRecipientTime({ time, format }: { time: string; format: string }) {
return dayjs(time).tz(this.getTimezone()).locale(this.getLocale()).format(format);
protected getNodeMailerPayload(): Record<string, unknown> {
return {};
public async sendEmail() {
const featureFlags = await getFeatureFlagMap(prisma);
/** If email kill switch exists and is active, we prevent emails being sent. */
if (featureFlags.emails) {
console.warn("Skipped Sending Email due to active Kill Switch");
return new Promise((r) => r("Skipped Sending Email due to active Kill Switch"));
if (process.env.INTEGRATION_TEST_MODE === "true") {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
"Skipped Sending Email as process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_UNIT_TESTS is set. Emails are available in globalThis.testEmails"
return new Promise((r) => r("Skipped sendEmail for Unit Tests"));
const payload = this.getNodeMailerPayload();
const parseSubject = z.string().safeParse(payload?.subject);
const payloadWithUnEscapedSubject = {
headers: {
"X-SMTPAPI": JSON.stringify({
filters: {
bypass_list_management: {
settings: {
enable: 1,
...(parseSubject.success && { subject: decodeHTML( }),
await new Promise((resolve, reject) =>
(_err, info) => {
if (_err) {
const err = getErrorFromUnknown(_err);
} else {
).catch((e) => console.error("sendEmail", e));
return new Promise((resolve) => resolve("send mail async"));
protected getMailerOptions() {
return {
transport: serverConfig.transport,
from: serverConfig.from,
protected printNodeMailerError(error: Error): void {
/** Don't clog the logs with unsent emails in E2E */
if (process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_IS_E2E) return;
console.error(`${}_ERROR`, error);