171 lines
4.6 KiB

/** @type {import('tailwindcss').Config} */
module.exports = {
content: [
darkMode: "class",
theme: {
fontFamily: {
cal: ['"Cal Sans"', "sans-serif"],
mono: ["Roboto Mono", "monospace"],
sans: ['"Inter var"', "sans-serif"],
extend: {
colors: {
/* your primary brand color */
brand: {
// TODO: To be shared between Storybook for v2 UI components and web
// Figure out a way to automate this for self hosted users
// Goto to generate your brand color
50: "#d1d5db",
100: "#9ca3af",
200: "#6b7280",
300: "#4b5563",
400: "#374151",
500: "#111827", // Brand color
600: "#0f1623",
700: "#0d121d",
800: "#0a0e17",
900: "#080c13",
DEFAULT: "var(--brand-color)",
brandcontrast: "var(--brand-text-color)",
darkmodebrand: "var(--brand-color-dark-mode)",
darkmodebrandcontrast: "var(--brand-text-color-dark-mode)",
bookinglightest: "var(--booking-lightest-color)",
bookinglighter: "var(--booking-lighter-color)",
bookinglight: "var(--booking-light-color)",
bookingmedian: "var(--booking-median-color)",
bookingdark: "var(--booking-dark-color)",
bookingdarker: "var(--booking-darker-color)",
bookinghighlight: "var(--booking-highlight-color)",
black: "#111111",
gray: {
50: "#F8F8F8",
100: "#F5F5F5",
200: "#E1E1E1",
300: "#CFCFCF",
400: "#ACACAC",
500: "#888888",
600: "#494949",
700: "#3E3E3E",
800: "#313131",
900: "#292929",
neutral: {
50: "#F8F8F8",
100: "#F5F5F5",
200: "#E1E1E1",
300: "#CFCFCF",
400: "#ACACAC",
500: "#888888",
600: "#494949",
700: "#3E3E3E",
800: "#313131",
900: "#292929",
primary: {
50: "#F4F4F4",
100: "#E8E8E8",
200: "#C6C6C6",
300: "#A3A3A3",
400: "#5F5F5F",
500: "#1A1A1A",
600: "#171717",
700: "#141414",
800: "#101010",
900: "#0D0D0D",
secondary: {
50: "#F5F8F7",
100: "#EBF0F0",
200: "#CDDAD9",
300: "#AEC4C2",
400: "#729894",
500: "#356C66",
600: "#30615C",
700: "#28514D",
800: "#20413D",
900: "#223B41",
red: {
50: "#FEF2F2",
100: "#FEE2E2",
200: "#FECACA",
300: "#FCA5A5",
400: "#F87171",
500: "#EF4444",
600: "#DC2626",
700: "#B91C1C",
800: "#991B1B",
900: "#7F1D1D",
orange: {
50: "#FFF7ED",
100: "#FFEDD5",
200: "#FED7AA",
300: "#FDBA74",
400: "#FB923C",
500: "#F97316",
600: "#EA580C",
700: "#C2410C",
800: "#9A3412",
900: "#7C2D12",
green: {
50: "#ECFDF5",
100: "#D1FAE5",
200: "#A7F3D0",
300: "#6EE7B7",
400: "#34D399",
500: "#10B981",
600: "#059669",
700: "#047857",
800: "#065F46",
900: "#064E3B",
fontFamily: {
cal: ['"Cal Sans"', "sans-serif"],
mono: ["Roboto Mono", "monospace"],
sans: ['"Inter var"', "sans-serif"],
maxHeight: (theme) => ({
0: "0",
97: "25rem",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vh",
minHeight: (theme) => ({
0: "0",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vh",
minWidth: (theme) => ({
0: "0",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vw",
maxWidth: (theme, { breakpoints }) => ({
0: "0",
full: "100%",
screen: "100vw",
plugins: [