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268 lines
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import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
import { z } from "zod";
import dayjs, { Dayjs } from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { parseBookingLimit } from "@calcom/lib";
import { getWorkingHours } from "@calcom/lib/availability";
import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error";
import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger";
import { checkLimit } from "@calcom/lib/server";
import { performance } from "@calcom/lib/server/perfObserver";
import prisma, { availabilityUserSelect } from "@calcom/prisma";
import { EventTypeMetaDataSchema, stringToDayjs } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
import { BookingLimit, EventBusyDetails } from "@calcom/types/Calendar";
import { getBusyTimes } from "./getBusyTimes";
const availabilitySchema = z
dateFrom: stringToDayjs,
dateTo: stringToDayjs,
eventTypeId: z.number().optional(),
username: z.string().optional(),
userId: z.number().optional(),
afterEventBuffer: z.number().optional(),
beforeEventBuffer: z.number().optional(),
withSource: z.boolean().optional(),
.refine((data) => !!data.username || !!data.userId, "Either username or userId should be filled in.");
const getEventType = async (id: number) => {
const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findUnique({
where: { id },
select: {
id: true,
seatsPerTimeSlot: true,
bookingLimits: true,
timeZone: true,
metadata: true,
schedule: {
select: {
availability: true,
timeZone: true,
availability: {
select: {
startTime: true,
endTime: true,
days: true,
date: true,
if (!eventType) {
return eventType;
return {
metadata: EventTypeMetaDataSchema.parse(eventType.metadata),
type EventType = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getEventType>>;
const getUser = (where: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput) =>
select: availabilityUserSelect,
type User = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getUser>>;
export const getCurrentSeats = (eventTypeId: number, dateFrom: Dayjs, dateTo: Dayjs) =>
where: {
startTime: {
gte: dateFrom.format(),
lte: dateTo.format(),
select: {
uid: true,
startTime: true,
_count: {
select: {
attendees: true,
export type CurrentSeats = Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getCurrentSeats>>;
/** This should be called getUsersWorkingHoursAndBusySlots (...and remaining seats, and final timezone) */
export async function getUserAvailability(
query: {
withSource?: boolean;
username?: string;
userId?: number;
dateFrom: string;
dateTo: string;
eventTypeId?: number;
afterEventBuffer?: number;
beforeEventBuffer?: number;
initialData?: {
user?: User;
eventType?: EventType;
currentSeats?: CurrentSeats;
) {
const { username, userId, dateFrom, dateTo, eventTypeId, afterEventBuffer, beforeEventBuffer } =
if (!dateFrom.isValid() || !dateTo.isValid())
throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 400, message: "Invalid time range given." });
const where: Prisma.UserWhereUniqueInput = {};
if (username) where.username = username;
if (userId) where.id = userId;
const user = initialData?.user || (await getUser(where));
if (!user) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 404, message: "No user found" });
let eventType: EventType | null = initialData?.eventType || null;
if (!eventType && eventTypeId) eventType = await getEventType(eventTypeId);
/* Current logic is if a booking is in a time slot mark it as busy, but seats can have more than one attendee so grab
current bookings with a seats event type and display them on the calendar, even if they are full */
let currentSeats: CurrentSeats | null = initialData?.currentSeats || null;
if (!currentSeats && eventType?.seatsPerTimeSlot) {
currentSeats = await getCurrentSeats(eventType.id, dateFrom, dateTo);
const bookingLimits = parseBookingLimit(eventType?.bookingLimits);
const busyTimes = await getBusyTimes({
credentials: user.credentials,
startTime: dateFrom.toISOString(),
endTime: dateTo.toISOString(),
userId: user.id,
username: `${user.username}`,
const bufferedBusyTimes: EventBusyDetails[] = busyTimes.map((a) => ({
start: dayjs(a.start).toISOString(),
end: dayjs(a.end).toISOString(),
title: a.title,
source: query.withSource ? a.source : undefined,
if (bookingLimits) {
// Get all dates between dateFrom and dateTo
const dates = []; // this is as dayjs date
let startDate = dayjs(dateFrom);
const endDate = dayjs(dateTo);
while (startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
startDate = startDate.add(1, "day");
const ourBookings = busyTimes.filter((busyTime) =>
// Apply booking limit filter against our bookings
for (const [key, limit] of Object.entries(bookingLimits)) {
const limitKey = key as keyof BookingLimit;
if (limitKey === "PER_YEAR") {
const yearlyBusyTime = await checkLimit({
eventStartDate: startDate.toDate(),
limitingNumber: limit,
eventId: eventType?.id as number,
key: "PER_YEAR",
returnBusyTimes: true,
if (!yearlyBusyTime) break;
start: yearlyBusyTime.start.toISOString(),
end: yearlyBusyTime.end.toISOString(),
// Take PER_DAY and turn it into day and PER_WEEK into week etc.
const filter = limitKey.split("_")[1].toLowerCase() as "day" | "week" | "month" | "year";
// loop through all dates and check if we have reached the limit
for (const date of dates) {
let total = 0;
const startDate = date.startOf(filter);
// this is parsed above with parseBookingLimit so we know it's safe.
const endDate = date.endOf(filter);
for (const booking of ourBookings) {
const bookingEventTypeId = parseInt(booking.source?.split("-")[1] as string, 10);
if (
// Only check OUR booking that matches the current eventTypeId
// we don't care about another event type in this case as we dont need to know their booking limits
!(bookingEventTypeId == eventType?.id && dayjs(booking.start).isBetween(startDate, endDate))
) {
// increment total and check against the limit, adding a busy time if condition is met.
if (total >= limit) {
start: startDate.toISOString(),
end: endDate.toISOString(),
const userSchedule = user.schedules.filter(
(schedule) => !user?.defaultScheduleId || schedule.id === user?.defaultScheduleId
const schedule =
!eventType?.metadata?.config?.useHostSchedulesForTeamEvent && eventType?.schedule
? { ...eventType?.schedule }
: {
availability: userSchedule?.availability.map((a) => ({
userId: user.id,
const startGetWorkingHours = performance.now();
const timeZone = schedule.timeZone || eventType?.timeZone || user.timeZone;
const availability =
schedule.availability || (eventType?.availability.length ? eventType.availability : user.availability);
const workingHours = getWorkingHours({ timeZone }, availability);
const endGetWorkingHours = performance.now();
logger.debug(`getWorkingHours took ${endGetWorkingHours - startGetWorkingHours}ms for userId ${userId}`);
const dateOverrides = availability
.filter((availability) => !!availability.date)
.map((override) => {
const startTime = dayjs.utc(override.startTime);
const endTime = dayjs.utc(override.endTime);
return {
start: dayjs.utc(override.date).hour(startTime.hour()).minute(startTime.minute()).toDate(),
end: dayjs.utc(override.date).hour(endTime.hour()).minute(endTime.minute()).toDate(),
return {
busy: bufferedBusyTimes,