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import { test } from "./fixtures";
export type BookerVariants = "new-booker" | "old-booker";
const bookerVariants = ["new-booker", "old-booker"];
* Small wrapper around test.describe().
* When using testbothBookers.describe() instead of test.describe(), this will run the specified
* tests twice. One with the old booker, and one with the new booker. It will also add the booker variant
* name to the test name for easier debugging.
* Finally it also adds a parameter bookerVariant to your testBothBooker.describe() callback, which
* can be used to do any conditional rendering in the test for a specific booker variant (should be as little
* as possible).
* See apps/web/playwright/booking-pages.e2e.ts for an example.
export const testBothBookers = {
describe: (testName: string, testFn: (bookerVariant: BookerVariants) => void) => {
bookerVariants.forEach((bookerVariant) => {
test.describe(`${testName} -- ${bookerVariant}`, () => {
if (bookerVariant === "new-booker") {
test.beforeEach(({ context }) => {
context.addCookies([{ name: "new-booker-enabled", value: "true", url: "http://localhost:3000" }]);
testFn(bookerVariant as BookerVariants);