249 lines
6.5 KiB

import type { BookingSeat, DestinationCalendar, Prisma, SelectedCalendar } from "@prisma/client";
import type { Dayjs } from "dayjs";
import type { calendar_v3 } from "googleapis";
import type { Time } from "ical.js";
import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next";
import type z from "zod";
import type { bookingResponse } from "@calcom/features/bookings/lib/getBookingResponsesSchema";
import type { Calendar } from "@calcom/features/calendars/weeklyview";
import type { TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat";
import type { SchedulingType } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import type { Frequency } from "@calcom/prisma/zod-utils";
import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential";
import type { Ensure } from "./utils";
export type { VideoCallData } from "./VideoApiAdapter";
type PaymentInfo = {
link?: string | null;
reason?: string | null;
id?: string | null;
paymentOption?: string | null;
amount?: number;
currency?: string;
export type Person = {
name: string;
email: string;
timeZone: string;
language: { translate: TFunction; locale: string };
username?: string;
id?: number;
bookingId?: number | null;
locale?: string | null;
timeFormat?: TimeFormat;
bookingSeat?: BookingSeat | null;
export type TeamMember = {
id?: number;
name: string;
email: string;
timeZone: string;
language: { translate: TFunction; locale: string };
export type EventBusyDate = {
start: Date | string;
end: Date | string;
source?: string | null;
export type EventBusyDetails = EventBusyDate & {
title?: string;
source?: string | null;
export type CalendarServiceType = typeof Calendar;
export type AdditionalInfo = Record<string, unknown> & { calWarnings?: string[] };
export type NewCalendarEventType = {
uid: string;
id: string;
type: string;
password: string;
url: string;
additionalInfo: AdditionalInfo;
iCalUID?: string | null;
export type CalendarEventType = {
uid: string;
etag: string;
/** This is the actual caldav event url, not the location url. */
url: string;
summary: string;
description: string;
location: string;
sequence: number;
startDate: Date | Dayjs;
endDate: Date | Dayjs;
duration: {
weeks: number;
days: number;
hours: number;
minutes: number;
seconds: number;
isNegative: boolean;
organizer: string;
attendees: any[][];
recurrenceId: Time;
timezone: any;
export type BatchResponse = {
responses: SubResponse[];
export type SubResponse = {
body: {
value: {
showAs: "free" | "tentative" | "away" | "busy" | "workingElsewhere";
start: { dateTime: string };
end: { dateTime: string };
export interface ConferenceData {
createRequest?: calendar_v3.Schema$CreateConferenceRequest;
export interface RecurringEvent {
dtstart?: Date | undefined;
interval: number;
count: number;
freq: Frequency;
until?: Date | undefined;
tzid?: string | undefined;
export type IntervalLimitUnit = "day" | "week" | "month" | "year";
export type IntervalLimit = Partial<Record<`PER_${Uppercase<IntervalLimitUnit>}`, number | undefined>>;
export type AppsStatus = {
appName: string;
type: (typeof App)["type"];
success: number;
failures: number;
errors: string[];
warnings?: string[];
export type CalEventResponses = Record<
label: string;
value: z.infer<typeof bookingResponse>;
// If modifying this interface, probably should update builders/calendarEvent files
export interface CalendarEvent {
// Instead of sending this per event.
// TODO: Links sent in email should be validated and automatically redirected to org domain or regular app. It would be a much cleaner way. Maybe use existing /api/link endpoint
bookerUrl?: string;
type: string;
title: string;
startTime: string;
endTime: string;
organizer: Person;
attendees: Person[];
additionalNotes?: string | null;
customInputs?: Prisma.JsonObject | null;
description?: string | null;
team?: {
name: string;
members: TeamMember[];
location?: string | null;
conferenceCredentialId?: number;
conferenceData?: ConferenceData;
additionalInformation?: AdditionalInformation;
uid?: string | null;
bookingId?: number;
videoCallData?: VideoCallData;
paymentInfo?: PaymentInfo | null;
requiresConfirmation?: boolean | null;
destinationCalendar?: DestinationCalendar[] | null;
cancellationReason?: string | null;
rejectionReason?: string | null;
hideCalendarNotes?: boolean;
recurrence?: string;
recurringEvent?: RecurringEvent | null;
eventTypeId?: number | null;
appsStatus?: AppsStatus[];
seatsShowAttendees?: boolean | null;
seatsShowAvailabilityCount?: boolean | null;
attendeeSeatId?: string;
seatsPerTimeSlot?: number | null;
schedulingType?: SchedulingType | null;
iCalUID?: string | null;
// It has responses to all the fields(system + user)
responses?: CalEventResponses | null;
// It just has responses to only the user fields. It allows to easily iterate over to show only user fields
userFieldsResponses?: CalEventResponses | null;
export interface EntryPoint {
entryPointType?: string;
uri?: string;
label?: string;
pin?: string;
accessCode?: string;
meetingCode?: string;
passcode?: string;
password?: string;
export interface AdditionalInformation {
conferenceData?: ConferenceData;
entryPoints?: EntryPoint[];
hangoutLink?: string;
export interface IntegrationCalendar extends Ensure<Partial<SelectedCalendar>, "externalId"> {
primary?: boolean;
name?: string;
readOnly?: boolean;
// For displaying the connected email address
email?: string;
primaryEmail?: string;
credentialId?: number | null;
integrationTitle?: string;
export interface Calendar {
createEvent(event: CalendarEvent, credentialId: number): Promise<NewCalendarEventType>;
uid: string,
event: CalendarEvent,
externalCalendarId?: string | null
): Promise<NewCalendarEventType | NewCalendarEventType[]>;
deleteEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent, externalCalendarId?: string | null): Promise<unknown>;
dateFrom: string,
dateTo: string,
selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[]
): Promise<EventBusyDate[]>;
listCalendars(event?: CalendarEvent): Promise<IntegrationCalendar[]>;
* @see [How to inference class type that implements an interface](
type Class<I, Args extends any[] = any[]> = new (...args: Args) => I;
export type CalendarClass = Class<Calendar, [CredentialPayload]>;