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export function deriveAppDictKeyFromType(appType: string, dict: Record<string, unknown>) {
let handlers = dict[appType];
if (handlers) {
return appType;
// Transforms zoom_video to zoom
// Apps creates through cli would also meet this condition as their type would always be in the format {slug}_{category} and app dir name would be {slug}
const appTypeVariant1 = appType.substring(0, appType.lastIndexOf("_"));
handlers = dict[appTypeVariant1];
if (handlers) {
return appTypeVariant1;
// Transform `zoom_video` to `zoomvideo`;
const appTypeVariant2 =
appType.substring(0, appType.lastIndexOf("_")) + appType.substring(appType.lastIndexOf("_") + 1);
handlers = dict[appTypeVariant2];
if (handlers) {
return appTypeVariant2;
// TODO: Deprecated?
// Transform as last resort removing all underscores, applies to `hubspot_other_calendar` to be `hubsporothercalendar`
// and `closecom_other_calendar` to be `closecomothercalendar`
const appTypeVariant3 = appType.replace(/_/g, "");
handlers = dict[appTypeVariant3];
if (handlers) {
return appTypeVariant3;
return appType;
// const categories = ["video", "other", "calendar", "web3", "payment", "messaging"];
// // Instead of doing a blind split at _ and using the first part, apply this hack only on strings that match legacy type.
// // Transform zoomvideo to zoom
// categories.some((type) => {
// const matcher = new RegExp(`(.+)${type}$`);
// if (appType.match(matcher)) {
// appType = appType.replace(matcher, "$1");
// return true;
// }
// return appType;
// });