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import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import type { TimeRange } from "@calcom/types/schedule";
// By default starts on Sunday (Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday)
export function weekdayDates(weekStart = 0, startDate: Date, length = 6) {
const tmpStartDate = startDate;
while (tmpStartDate.getDay() !== weekStart) {
tmpStartDate.setDate(tmpStartDate.getDate() - 1);
return {
startDate: tmpStartDate,
endDate: new Date(tmpStartDate.getTime() + length * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000),
export type GridCellToDateProps = {
day: dayjs.Dayjs;
gridCellIdx: number;
totalGridCells: number;
selectionLength: number;
startHour: number;
timezone: string;
export function gridCellToDateTime({
}: GridCellToDateProps) {
// endHour - startHour = selectionLength
const minutesInSelection = (selectionLength + 1) * 60;
const minutesPerCell = minutesInSelection / totalGridCells;
const minutesIntoSelection = minutesPerCell * gridCellIdx;
// Add startHour since we use StartOfDay for day props. This could be improved by changing the getDaysBetweenDates function
// To handle the startHour+endHour
const cellDateTime = dayjs(day)
.add(minutesIntoSelection, "minutes")
.add(startHour, "hours");
return cellDateTime;
export function getDaysBetweenDates(dateFrom: Date, dateTo: Date) {
const dates = []; // this is as dayjs date
let startDate = dayjs(dateFrom).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0);
const endDate = dayjs(dateTo).hour(0).minute(0).second(0).millisecond(0);
while (startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
dates.push(startDate.add(1, "day"));
startDate = startDate.add(1, "day");
return dates.slice(0, 7);
export function getHoursToDisplay(startHour: number, endHour: number, timezone?: string) {
const dates = []; // this is as dayjs date
let startDate = dayjs("1970-01-01").tz(timezone).hour(startHour);
const endDate = dayjs("1970-01-01").tz(timezone).hour(endHour);
while (startDate.isBefore(endDate)) {
dates.push(startDate.add(1, "hour"));
startDate = startDate.add(1, "hour");
return dates;
export function mergeOverlappingDateRanges(dateRanges: TimeRange[]) {
//Sort the date ranges by start date
dateRanges.sort((a, b) => {
return a.start.getTime() - b.start.getTime();
//Create a new array to hold the merged date ranges
const mergedDateRanges = [];
//Loop through the date ranges
for (let i = 0; i < dateRanges.length; i++) {
//If the merged date ranges array is empty, add the first date range
if (mergedDateRanges.length === 0) {
} else {
//Get the last date range in the merged date ranges array
const lastMergedDateRange = mergedDateRanges[mergedDateRanges.length - 1];
//Get the current date range
const currentDateRange = dateRanges[i];
//If the last merged date range overlaps with the current date range, merge them
if (lastMergedDateRange.end.getTime() >= currentDateRange.start.getTime()) {
lastMergedDateRange.end = currentDateRange.end;
} else {
//Otherwise, add the current date range to the merged date ranges array
return mergedDateRanges;
export function calculateHourSizeInPx(
gridElementRef: HTMLOListElement | null,
startHour: number,
endHour: number
) {
// Gap added at bottom to give calendar some breathing room.
// I guess we could come up with a better way to do this in the future.
const gapOnBottom = 50;
// In case the calendar has for example a header above it. We take a look at the
// distance the grid is rendered from the top, and subtract that from the height.
const offsetFromTop = gridElementRef?.getBoundingClientRect().top ?? 65;
return (window.innerHeight - offsetFromTop - gapOnBottom) / (endHour - startHour);