430 lines
15 KiB

import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next";
import { z } from "zod";
import { appStoreMetadata } from "@calcom/app-store/bookerAppsMetaData";
import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger";
import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/enums";
import type { Ensure, Optional } from "@calcom/types/utils";
import type { EventLocationTypeFromAppMeta } from "../types/App";
export type DefaultEventLocationType = {
default: true;
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum;
label: string;
messageForOrganizer: string;
category: "in person" | "conferencing" | "other" | "phone";
iconUrl: string;
urlRegExp?: string;
// HACK: `variable` and `defaultValueVariable` are required due to legacy reason where different locations were stored in different places.
| "locationType"
| "locationAddress"
| "address"
| "locationLink"
| "locationPhoneNumber"
| "phone"
| "hostDefault";
defaultValueVariable: "address" | "attendeeAddress" | "link" | "hostPhoneNumber" | "hostDefault" | "phone";
} & (
| {
organizerInputType: "phone" | "text" | null;
organizerInputPlaceholder?: string | null;
attendeeInputType?: null;
attendeeInputPlaceholder?: null;
| {
attendeeInputType: "phone" | "attendeeAddress" | null;
attendeeInputPlaceholder: string;
organizerInputType?: null;
organizerInputPlaceholder?: null;
export type EventLocationTypeFromApp = Ensure<
"defaultValueVariable" | "variable"
export type EventLocationType = DefaultEventLocationType | EventLocationTypeFromApp;
export const DailyLocationType = "integrations:daily";
export const MeetLocationType = "integrations:google:meet";
* This isn't an actual location app type. It is a special value that informs to use the Organizer's default conferencing app during booking
export const OrganizerDefaultConferencingAppType = "conferencing";
export enum DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum {
* Booker Address
AttendeeInPerson = "attendeeInPerson",
* Organizer Address
InPerson = "inPerson",
* Booker Phone
Phone = "phone",
* Organizer Phone
UserPhone = "userPhone",
Link = "link",
// Same as `OrganizerDefaultConferencingAppType`
Conferencing = "conferencing",
export const defaultLocations: DefaultEventLocationType[] = [
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.AttendeeInPerson,
label: "in_person_attendee_address",
variable: "address",
organizerInputType: null,
messageForOrganizer: "Cal will ask your invitee to enter an address before scheduling.",
attendeeInputType: "attendeeAddress",
attendeeInputPlaceholder: "enter_address",
defaultValueVariable: "attendeeAddress",
iconUrl: "/map-pin-dark.svg",
category: "in person",
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.InPerson,
label: "in_person",
organizerInputType: "text",
messageForOrganizer: "Provide an Address or Place",
// HACK:
variable: "locationAddress",
defaultValueVariable: "address",
iconUrl: "/map-pin-dark.svg",
category: "in person",
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.Conferencing,
iconUrl: "/link.svg",
organizerInputType: null,
label: "organizer_default_conferencing_app",
variable: "hostDefault",
defaultValueVariable: "hostDefault",
category: "conferencing",
messageForOrganizer: "",
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.Link,
label: "link_meeting",
organizerInputType: "text",
variable: "locationLink",
messageForOrganizer: "Provide a Meeting Link",
defaultValueVariable: "link",
iconUrl: "/link.svg",
category: "other",
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.Phone,
label: "attendee_phone_number",
variable: "phone",
organizerInputType: null,
attendeeInputType: "phone",
attendeeInputPlaceholder: `enter_phone_number`,
defaultValueVariable: "phone",
messageForOrganizer: "Cal will ask your invitee to enter a phone number before scheduling.",
// This isn't inputType phone because organizer doesn't need to provide it.
// inputType: "phone"
iconUrl: "/phone.svg",
category: "phone",
default: true,
type: DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum.UserPhone,
label: "organizer_phone_number",
messageForOrganizer: "Provide your phone number",
organizerInputType: "phone",
variable: "locationPhoneNumber",
defaultValueVariable: "hostPhoneNumber",
iconUrl: "/phone.svg",
category: "phone",
const translateAbleKeys = [
export type LocationObject = {
type: string;
address?: string;
displayLocationPublicly?: boolean;
credentialId?: number;
} & Partial<
Record<"address" | "attendeeAddress" | "link" | "hostPhoneNumber" | "hostDefault" | "phone", string>
// integrations:jitsi | 919999999999 | Delhi | | Around Video
export type BookingLocationValue = string;
export const AppStoreLocationType: Record<string, string> = {};
const locationsFromApps: EventLocationTypeFromApp[] = [];
for (const [appName, meta] of Object.entries(appStoreMetadata)) {
const location = meta.appData?.location;
if (location) {
// TODO: This template variable replacement should happen once during app-store:build.
for (const [key, value] of Object.entries(location)) {
if (typeof value === "string") {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/ban-ts-comment
// @ts-ignore
location[key] = value.replace(/{SLUG}/g, meta.slug).replace(/{TITLE}/g,;
const newLocation = {
messageForOrganizer: location.messageForOrganizer || `Set ${location.label} link`,
iconUrl: meta.logo,
// For All event location apps, locationLink is where we store the input
// TODO: locationLink and link seems redundant. We can modify the code to keep just one of them.
variable: location.variable || "locationLink",
defaultValueVariable: location.defaultValueVariable || "link",
// Static links always require organizer to input
if (newLocation.linkType === "static") {
newLocation.organizerInputType = location.organizerInputType || "text";
if (newLocation.organizerInputPlaceholder?.match(/https?:\/\//)) {
// HACK: Translation ends up removing https? if it's in the beginning :(
newLocation.organizerInputPlaceholder = ` ${newLocation.organizerInputPlaceholder}`;
} else {
newLocation.organizerInputType = null;
AppStoreLocationType[appName] = newLocation.type;
const locationsTypes = [...defaultLocations, ...locationsFromApps];
export const getStaticLinkBasedLocation = (locationType: string) =>
locationsFromApps.find((l) => l.linkType === "static" && l.type === locationType);
export const getEventLocationTypeFromApp = (locationType: string) =>
locationsFromApps.find((l) => l.type === locationType);
export const getEventLocationType = (locationType: string | undefined | null) =>
locationsTypes.find((l) => l.type === locationType);
export const getEventLocationTypeFromValue = (value: string | undefined | null) => {
if (!value) {
return null;
return locationsTypes.find((l) => {
if (l.default || l.linkType == "dynamic" || !l.urlRegExp) {
return new RegExp(l.urlRegExp).test(value);
export const guessEventLocationType = (locationTypeOrValue: string | undefined | null) =>
getEventLocationType(locationTypeOrValue) || getEventLocationTypeFromValue(locationTypeOrValue);
export const LocationType = { ...DefaultEventLocationTypeEnum, ...AppStoreLocationType };
type PrivacyFilteredLocationObject = Optional<LocationObject, "address" | "link">;
export const privacyFilteredLocations = (locations: LocationObject[]): PrivacyFilteredLocationObject[] => {
const locationsAfterPrivacyFilter = => {
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(location.type);
if (!eventLocationType) {
logger.debug(`Couldn't find location type. App might be uninstalled: ${location.type} `);
// Filter out locations that are not to be displayed publicly
// Display if the location can be set to public - and also display all locations like google meet etc
if (location.displayLocationPublicly || !eventLocationType) {
return location;
} else {
// eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars
const { address: _1, link: _2, hostPhoneNumber: _3, ...privacyFilteredLocation } = location;
logger.debug("Applied Privacy Filter", location, privacyFilteredLocation);
return privacyFilteredLocation;
return locationsAfterPrivacyFilter;
* Use this function for translating event location to a readable string
* @param location
* @param t
* @returns string
export const getMessageForOrganizer = (location: string, t: TFunction) => {
const videoLocation = getEventLocationTypeFromApp(location);
const defaultLocation = defaultLocations.find((l) => l.type === location);
if (defaultLocation) {
return t(defaultLocation.messageForOrganizer);
if (videoLocation && videoLocation.linkType !== "static" && videoLocation.type !== "integrations:zoom") {
return t(`Cal will provide a ${videoLocation.label} URL.`);
return "";
* Use this function to translate booking location value to a readable string
* @param linkValue
* @param translationFunction
* @returns
export const getHumanReadableLocationValue = (
linkValue: string | undefined | null,
translationFunction: TFunction
): string => {
if (!linkValue) {
return translationFunction("no_location");
// Just in case linkValue is a `locationType.type`(for old bookings)
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(linkValue);
const isDefault = eventLocationType?.default;
if (eventLocationType) {
// If we can find a video location based on linkValue then it means that the linkValue is something like integrations:google-meet and in that case we don't have the meeting URL to show.
// Show a generic message in that case.
return isDefault ? translationFunction(eventLocationType.label) : `${eventLocationType.label}`;
// Otherwise just show the available link value.
return linkValue || "";
export const locationKeyToString = (location: LocationObject) => {
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(location.type);
if (!eventLocationType) {
return null;
const defaultValueVariable = eventLocationType.defaultValueVariable;
if (!defaultValueVariable) {
console.error(`defaultValueVariable not set for ${location.type}`);
return "";
return location[defaultValueVariable] || eventLocationType.label;
export const getEventLocationWithType = (
locations: LocationObject[],
locationType: EventLocationType["type"] | undefined
) => {
const location = locations.find((location) => location.type === locationType);
return location;
* It converts a static link based video location type(e.g. integrations:campfire_video) to it's value (e.g. set in the eventType.
* If the type provided is already a value(when displayLocationPublicly is on), it would just return that.
* For, dynamic link based video location apps, it doesn't do anything.
export const getLocationValueForDB = (
bookingLocationTypeOrValue: EventLocationType["type"],
eventLocations: LocationObject[]
) => {
let bookingLocation = bookingLocationTypeOrValue;
let conferenceCredentialId = undefined;
eventLocations.forEach((location) => {
if (location.type === bookingLocationTypeOrValue) {
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(bookingLocationTypeOrValue);
conferenceCredentialId = location.credentialId;
if (!eventLocationType) {
if (!eventLocationType.default && eventLocationType.linkType === "dynamic") {
// Dynamic link based locations should still be saved as type. The beyond logic generates meeting URL based on the type.
// This difference can be avoided when we start storing both type and value of a location
bookingLocation = location[eventLocationType.defaultValueVariable] || bookingLocation;
return { bookingLocation, conferenceCredentialId };
export const getEventLocationValue = (eventLocations: LocationObject[], bookingLocation: LocationObject) => {
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(bookingLocation?.type);
if (!eventLocationType) {
return "";
const defaultValueVariable = eventLocationType.defaultValueVariable;
if (!defaultValueVariable) {
console.error(`${defaultValueVariable} not set for ${bookingLocation.type}`);
return "";
const eventLocation = getEventLocationWithType(eventLocations, bookingLocation?.type);
if (!eventLocation) {
console.error(`Could not find eventLocation for ${bookingLocation}`);
return "";
// Must send .type here if value isn't available due to privacy setting.
// For Booker Phone Number, it would be a value always. For others, value is either autogenerated or provided by Organizer and thus it's possible that organizer doesn't want it to show
// Backend checks for `integration` to generate link
// TODO: use zodSchema to ensure the type of data is correct
return (
bookingLocation[defaultValueVariable] || eventLocation[defaultValueVariable] || eventLocationType.type
export function getSuccessPageLocationMessage(
location: EventLocationType["type"],
t: TFunction,
bookingStatus?: BookingStatus
) {
const eventLocationType = getEventLocationType(location);
let locationToDisplay = location;
if (eventLocationType && !eventLocationType.default && eventLocationType.linkType === "dynamic") {
const isConfirmed = bookingStatus === BookingStatus.ACCEPTED;
if (bookingStatus === BookingStatus.CANCELLED || bookingStatus === BookingStatus.REJECTED) {
locationToDisplay == t("web_conference");
} else if (isConfirmed) {
locationToDisplay = `${getHumanReadableLocationValue(location, t)}: ${t(
} else {
locationToDisplay = t("web_conferencing_details_to_follow");
return locationToDisplay;
export const getTranslatedLocation = (
location: PrivacyFilteredLocationObject,
eventLocationType: ReturnType<typeof getEventLocationType>,
t: TFunction
) => {
if (!eventLocationType) return null;
const locationKey = z.string().default("").parse(locationKeyToString(location));
const translatedLocation = location.type.startsWith("integrations:")
? eventLocationType.label
: translateAbleKeys.includes(locationKey)
? t(locationKey)
: locationKey;
return translatedLocation;