546 lines
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546 lines
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/* eslint-disable @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any */
import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client";
import type { calendar_v3 } from "googleapis";
import { google } from "googleapis";
import { MeetLocationType } from "@calcom/app-store/locations";
import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs";
import { getFeatureFlagMap } from "@calcom/features/flags/server/utils";
import { getLocation, getRichDescription } from "@calcom/lib/CalEventParser";
import type CalendarService from "@calcom/lib/CalendarService";
import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger";
import prisma from "@calcom/prisma";
import type {
} from "@calcom/types/Calendar";
import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential";
import type { ParseRefreshTokenResponse } from "../../_utils/oauth/parseRefreshTokenResponse";
import parseRefreshTokenResponse from "../../_utils/oauth/parseRefreshTokenResponse";
import refreshOAuthTokens from "../../_utils/oauth/refreshOAuthTokens";
import { getGoogleAppKeys } from "./getGoogleAppKeys";
import { googleCredentialSchema } from "./googleCredentialSchema";
interface GoogleCalError extends Error {
code?: number;
const ONE_MINUTE_MS = 60 * 1000;
/** Expand the start date to the start of the month */
function getTimeMin(timeMin: string) {
const dateMin = new Date(timeMin);
return new Date(dateMin.getFullYear(), dateMin.getMonth(), 1, 0, 0, 0, 0).toISOString();
/** Expand the end date to the end of the month */
function getTimeMax(timeMax: string) {
const dateMax = new Date(timeMax);
return new Date(dateMax.getFullYear(), dateMax.getMonth() + 1, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0).toISOString();
* Enable or disable the expanded cache
* TODO: Make this configurable
* */
* By expanding the cache to whole months, we can save round trips to the third party APIs.
* In this case we already have the data in the database, so we can just return it.
function handleMinMax(min: string, max: string) {
if (!ENABLE_EXPANDED_CACHE) return { timeMin: min, timeMax: max };
return { timeMin: getTimeMin(min), timeMax: getTimeMax(max) };
export default class GoogleCalendarService implements Calendar {
private integrationName = "";
private auth: { getToken: () => Promise<MyGoogleAuth> };
private log: typeof logger;
private credential: CredentialPayload;
constructor(credential: CredentialPayload) {
this.integrationName = "google_calendar";
this.credential = credential;
this.auth = this.googleAuth(credential);
this.log = logger.getSubLogger({ prefix: [`[[lib] ${this.integrationName}`] });
this.credential = credential;
private googleAuth = (credential: CredentialPayload) => {
const googleCredentials = googleCredentialSchema.parse(credential.key);
async function getGoogleAuth() {
const { client_id, client_secret, redirect_uris } = await getGoogleAppKeys();
const myGoogleAuth = new MyGoogleAuth(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uris[0]);
return myGoogleAuth;
const refreshAccessToken = async (myGoogleAuth: Awaited<ReturnType<typeof getGoogleAuth>>) => {
try {
const res = await refreshOAuthTokens(
async () => {
const fetchTokens = await myGoogleAuth.refreshToken(googleCredentials.refresh_token);
return fetchTokens.res;
const token = res?.data;
googleCredentials.access_token = token.access_token;
googleCredentials.expiry_date = token.expiry_date;
const parsedKey: ParseRefreshTokenResponse<typeof googleCredentialSchema> = parseRefreshTokenResponse(
await prisma.credential.update({
where: { id: credential.id },
data: { key: { ...parsedKey } as Prisma.InputJsonValue },
} catch (err) {
let message;
if (err instanceof Error) message = err.message;
else message = String(err);
// if not invalid_grant, default behaviour (which admittedly isn't great)
if (message !== "invalid_grant") return myGoogleAuth;
// when the error is invalid grant, it's unrecoverable and the credential marked invalid.
// TODO: Evaluate bubbling up and handling this in the CalendarManager. IMO this should be done
// but this is a bigger refactor.
await prisma.credential.update({
where: { id: credential.id },
data: {
invalid: true,
return myGoogleAuth;
return {
getToken: async () => {
const myGoogleAuth = await getGoogleAuth();
const isExpired = () => myGoogleAuth.isTokenExpiring();
return !isExpired() ? Promise.resolve(myGoogleAuth) : refreshAccessToken(myGoogleAuth);
private authedCalendar = async () => {
const myGoogleAuth = await this.auth.getToken();
const calendar = google.calendar({
version: "v3",
auth: myGoogleAuth,
return calendar;
private getAttendees = (event: CalendarEvent) => {
// When rescheduling events we know the external id of the calendar so we can just look for it in the destinationCalendar array.
const selectedHostDestinationCalendar = event.destinationCalendar?.find(
(cal) => cal.credentialId === this.credential.id
const eventAttendees = event.attendees.map(({ id: _id, ...rest }) => ({
responseStatus: "accepted",
const attendees: calendar_v3.Schema$EventAttendee[] = [
id: String(event.organizer.id),
responseStatus: "accepted",
organizer: true,
// Tried changing the display name to the user but GCal will not let you do that. It will only display the name of the external calendar. Leaving this in just incase it works in the future.
displayName: event.organizer.name,
email: selectedHostDestinationCalendar?.externalId ?? event.organizer.email,
if (event.team?.members) {
// TODO: Check every other CalendarService for team members
const teamAttendeesWithoutCurrentUser = event.team.members
.filter((member) => member.email !== this.credential.user?.email)
.map((m) => {
const teamMemberDestinationCalendar = event.destinationCalendar?.find(
(calendar) => calendar.integration === "google_calendar" && calendar.userId === m.id
return {
email: teamMemberDestinationCalendar?.externalId ?? m.email,
displayName: m.name,
responseStatus: "accepted",
return attendees;
async createEvent(calEventRaw: CalendarEvent, credentialId: number): Promise<NewCalendarEventType> {
const payload: calendar_v3.Schema$Event = {
summary: calEventRaw.title,
description: getRichDescription(calEventRaw),
start: {
dateTime: calEventRaw.startTime,
timeZone: calEventRaw.organizer.timeZone,
end: {
dateTime: calEventRaw.endTime,
timeZone: calEventRaw.organizer.timeZone,
attendees: this.getAttendees(calEventRaw),
reminders: {
useDefault: true,
guestsCanSeeOtherGuests: !!calEventRaw.seatsPerTimeSlot ? calEventRaw.seatsShowAttendees : true,
if (calEventRaw.location) {
payload["location"] = getLocation(calEventRaw);
if (calEventRaw.conferenceData && calEventRaw.location === MeetLocationType) {
payload["conferenceData"] = calEventRaw.conferenceData;
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
// Find in calEventRaw.destinationCalendar the one with the same credentialId
const selectedCalendar =
calEventRaw.destinationCalendar?.find((cal) => cal.credentialId === credentialId)?.externalId ||
try {
const event = await calendar.events.insert({
calendarId: selectedCalendar,
requestBody: payload,
conferenceDataVersion: 1,
sendUpdates: "none",
if (event && event.data.id && event.data.hangoutLink) {
await calendar.events.patch({
// Update the same event but this time we know the hangout link
calendarId: selectedCalendar,
eventId: event.data.id || "",
requestBody: {
description: getRichDescription({
additionalInformation: { hangoutLink: event.data.hangoutLink },
return {
uid: "",
id: event.data.id || "",
additionalInfo: {
hangoutLink: event.data.hangoutLink || "",
type: "google_calendar",
password: "",
url: "",
iCalUID: event.data.iCalUID,
} catch (error) {
console.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", error);
throw error;
async updateEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent, externalCalendarId: string): Promise<any> {
const payload: calendar_v3.Schema$Event = {
summary: event.title,
description: getRichDescription(event),
start: {
dateTime: event.startTime,
timeZone: event.organizer.timeZone,
end: {
dateTime: event.endTime,
timeZone: event.organizer.timeZone,
attendees: this.getAttendees(event),
reminders: {
useDefault: true,
guestsCanSeeOtherGuests: !!event.seatsPerTimeSlot ? event.seatsShowAttendees : true,
if (event.location) {
payload["location"] = getLocation(event);
if (event.conferenceData && event.location === MeetLocationType) {
payload["conferenceData"] = event.conferenceData;
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
const selectedCalendar =
? event.destinationCalendar?.find((cal) => cal.externalId === externalCalendarId)?.externalId
: undefined) || "primary";
try {
const evt = await calendar.events.update({
calendarId: selectedCalendar,
eventId: uid,
sendNotifications: true,
sendUpdates: "none",
requestBody: payload,
conferenceDataVersion: 1,
this.log.debug("Updated Google Calendar Event", {
startTime: evt?.data.start,
endTime: evt?.data.end,
if (evt && evt.data.id && evt.data.hangoutLink && event.location === MeetLocationType) {
// Update the same event but this time we know the hangout link
calendarId: selectedCalendar,
eventId: evt.data.id || "",
requestBody: {
description: getRichDescription({
additionalInformation: { hangoutLink: evt.data.hangoutLink },
return {
uid: "",
id: evt.data.id || "",
additionalInfo: {
hangoutLink: evt.data.hangoutLink || "",
type: "google_calendar",
password: "",
url: "",
iCalUID: evt.data.iCalUID,
return evt?.data;
} catch (error) {
console.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", error);
throw error;
async deleteEvent(uid: string, event: CalendarEvent, externalCalendarId?: string | null): Promise<void> {
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
const selectedCalendar =
? event.destinationCalendar?.find((cal) => cal.externalId === externalCalendarId)?.externalId
: undefined) || "primary";
try {
const event = await calendar.events.delete({
calendarId: selectedCalendar,
eventId: uid,
sendNotifications: false,
sendUpdates: "none",
return event?.data;
} catch (error) {
const err = error as GoogleCalError;
* 410 is when an event is already deleted on the Google cal before on cal.com
* 404 is when the event is on a different calendar
if (err.code === 410) return;
console.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", err);
if (err.code === 404) return;
throw err;
async getCacheOrFetchAvailability(args: {
timeMin: string;
timeMax: string;
items: { id: string }[];
}): Promise<EventBusyDate[] | null> {
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
const flags = await getFeatureFlagMap(prisma);
let freeBusyResult: calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse = {};
if (!flags["calendar-cache"]) {
this.log.warn("Calendar Cache is disabled - Skipping");
const { timeMin, timeMax, items } = args;
const apires = await calendar.freebusy.query({
requestBody: { timeMin, timeMax, items },
freeBusyResult = apires.data;
} else {
const { timeMin: _timeMin, timeMax: _timeMax, items } = args;
const { timeMin, timeMax } = handleMinMax(_timeMin, _timeMax);
const key = JSON.stringify({ timeMin, timeMax, items });
const cached = await prisma.calendarCache.findUnique({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
credentialId: this.credential.id,
expiresAt: { gte: new Date(Date.now()) },
if (cached) {
freeBusyResult = cached.value as unknown as calendar_v3.Schema$FreeBusyResponse;
} else {
const apires = await calendar.freebusy.query({
requestBody: { timeMin, timeMax, items },
// Skipping await to respond faster
await prisma.calendarCache.upsert({
where: {
credentialId_key: {
credentialId: this.credential.id,
update: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(apires.data)),
expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + CACHING_TIME),
create: {
value: JSON.parse(JSON.stringify(apires.data)),
credentialId: this.credential.id,
expiresAt: new Date(Date.now() + CACHING_TIME),
freeBusyResult = apires.data;
if (!freeBusyResult.calendars) return null;
const result = Object.values(freeBusyResult.calendars).reduce((c, i) => {
i.busy?.forEach((busyTime) => {
start: busyTime.start || "",
end: busyTime.end || "",
return c;
}, [] as Prisma.PromiseReturnType<CalendarService["getAvailability"]>);
return result;
async getAvailability(
dateFrom: string,
dateTo: string,
selectedCalendars: IntegrationCalendar[]
): Promise<EventBusyDate[]> {
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
const selectedCalendarIds = selectedCalendars
.filter((e) => e.integration === this.integrationName)
.map((e) => e.externalId);
if (selectedCalendarIds.length === 0 && selectedCalendars.length > 0) {
// Only calendars of other integrations selected
return [];
async function getCalIds() {
if (selectedCalendarIds.length !== 0) return selectedCalendarIds;
const cals = await calendar.calendarList.list({ fields: "items(id)" });
if (!cals.data.items) return [];
return cals.data.items.reduce((c, cal) => (cal.id ? [...c, cal.id] : c), [] as string[]);
try {
const calsIds = await getCalIds();
const originalStartDate = dayjs(dateFrom);
const originalEndDate = dayjs(dateTo);
const diff = originalEndDate.diff(originalStartDate, "days");
// /freebusy from google api only allows a date range of 90 days
if (diff <= 90) {
const freeBusyData = await this.getCacheOrFetchAvailability({
timeMin: dateFrom,
timeMax: dateTo,
items: calsIds.map((id) => ({ id })),
if (!freeBusyData) throw new Error("No response from google calendar");
return freeBusyData;
} else {
const busyData = [];
const loopsNumber = Math.ceil(diff / 90);
let startDate = originalStartDate;
let endDate = originalStartDate.add(90, "days");
for (let i = 0; i < loopsNumber; i++) {
if (endDate.isAfter(originalEndDate)) endDate = originalEndDate;
...((await this.getCacheOrFetchAvailability({
timeMin: startDate.format(),
timeMax: endDate.format(),
items: calsIds.map((id) => ({ id })),
})) || [])
startDate = endDate.add(1, "minutes");
endDate = startDate.add(90, "days");
return busyData;
} catch (error) {
this.log.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", error);
throw error;
async listCalendars(): Promise<IntegrationCalendar[]> {
const calendar = await this.authedCalendar();
try {
const cals = await calendar.calendarList.list({ fields: "items(id,summary,primary,accessRole)" });
if (!cals.data.items) return [];
return cals.data.items.map(
(cal) =>
externalId: cal.id ?? "No id",
integration: this.integrationName,
name: cal.summary ?? "No name",
primary: cal.primary ?? false,
readOnly: !(cal.accessRole === "writer" || cal.accessRole === "owner") && true,
email: cal.id ?? "",
} satisfies IntegrationCalendar)
} catch (error) {
this.log.error("There was an error contacting google calendar service: ", error);
throw error;
class MyGoogleAuth extends google.auth.OAuth2 {
constructor(client_id: string, client_secret: string, redirect_uri: string) {
super(client_id, client_secret, redirect_uri);
isTokenExpiring() {
return super.isTokenExpiring();
async refreshToken(token: string | null | undefined) {
return super.refreshToken(token);