270 lines
8.3 KiB

import { expect } from "@playwright/test";
import { randomString } from "@calcom/lib/random";
import prisma from "@calcom/prisma";
import { test } from "./lib/fixtures";
test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" });
const createTeamsAndMembership = async (userIdOne: number, userIdTwo: number) => {
const teamOne = await{
data: {
name: "test-insights",
slug: `test-insights-${}-${randomString(5)}}`,
const teamTwo = await{
data: {
name: "test-insights-2",
slug: `test-insights-2-${}-${randomString(5)}}`,
if (!userIdOne || !userIdTwo || !teamOne || !teamTwo) {
throw new Error("Failed to create test data");
// create memberships
await prisma.membership.create({
data: {
userId: userIdOne,
accepted: true,
role: "ADMIN",
await prisma.membership.create({
data: {
userId: userIdOne,
accepted: true,
role: "ADMIN",
await prisma.membership.create({
data: {
userId: userIdTwo,
accepted: true,
role: "MEMBER",
await prisma.membership.create({
data: {
userId: userIdTwo,
accepted: true,
role: "MEMBER",
return { teamOne, teamTwo };
test.afterAll(async ({ users }) => {
await users.deleteAll();
test.describe("Insights", async () => {
test("should be able to go to insights as admins", async ({ page, users }) => {
const user = await users.create();
const userTwo = await users.create();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
await user.apiLogin();
// go to insights page
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
// expect url to have isAll and TeamId in query params
test("should be able to go to insights as members", async ({ page, users }) => {
const user = await users.create();
const userTwo = await users.create();
await userTwo.apiLogin();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
// go to insights page
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
// expect url to have isAll and TeamId in query params
test("team select filter should have 2 teams and your account option only as member", async ({
}) => {
const user = await users.create();
const userTwo = await users.create();
await user.apiLogin();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
// go to insights page
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
// get div from team select filter with this class flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("Team: test-insights").click();
await page
.locator('div[class="flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1"]')
const teamSelectFilter = await page.locator(
'div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]'
await expect(teamSelectFilter).toHaveCount(3);
test("Insights Organization should have isAll option true", async ({ users, page }) => {
const owner = await users.create(undefined, {
hasTeam: true,
isUnpublished: true,
isOrg: true,
hasSubteam: true,
await owner.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("All").nth(1).click();
const teamSelectFilter = await page.locator(
'div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]'
await expect(teamSelectFilter).toHaveCount(4);
test("should have all option in team-and-self filter as admin", async ({ page, users }) => {
const owner = await users.create();
const member = await users.create();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
await owner.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/insights");
// get div from team select filter with this class flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("Team: test-insights").click();
await page
.locator('div[class="flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1"]')
const teamSelectFilter = await page.locator(
'div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]'
await expect(teamSelectFilter).toHaveCount(3);
test("should be able to switch between teams and self profile for insights", async ({ page, users }) => {
const owner = await users.create();
const member = await users.create();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
await owner.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/insights");
// get div from team select filter with this class flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("Team: test-insights").click();
await page
.locator('div[class="flex flex-col gap-0.5 [&>*:first-child]:mt-1 [&>*:last-child]:mb-1"]')
const teamSelectFilter = await page.locator(
'div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]'
await expect(teamSelectFilter).toHaveCount(3);
// switch to self profile
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("Your Account").click();
// switch to team 1
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("test-insights").nth(0).click();
// switch to team 2
await page.getByTestId("dashboard-shell").getByText("test-insights-2").click();
test("should be able to switch between memberUsers", async ({ page, users }) => {
const owner = await users.create();
const member = await users.create();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
await owner.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.getByText("Add filter").click();
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "User" }).click();
// <div class="flex select-none truncate font-medium" data-state="closed">People</div>
await page.locator('div[class="flex select-none truncate font-medium"]').getByText("People").click();
await page
.locator('div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]')
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
await page
.locator('div[class="hover:bg-muted flex items-center py-2 pl-3 pr-2.5 hover:cursor-pointer"]')
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
// press escape button to close the filter
await page.getByRole("button", { name: "Clear" }).click();
// expect for "Team: test-insight" text in page
expect(await page.locator("text=Team: test-insights").isVisible()).toBeTruthy();
test("should test download button", async ({ page, users }) => {
const owner = await users.create();
const member = await users.create();
await createTeamsAndMembership(,;
await owner.apiLogin();
await page.goto("/insights");
await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle");
const downloadPromise = page.waitForEvent("download");
// Expect download button to be visible
expect(await page.locator("text=Download").isVisible()).toBeTruthy();
// Click on Download button
await page.getByText("Download").click();
// Expect as csv option to be visible
expect(await page.locator("text=as CSV").isVisible()).toBeTruthy();
// Start waiting for download before clicking. Note no await.
await page.getByText("as CSV").click();
const download = await downloadPromise;
// Wait for the download process to complete and save the downloaded file somewhere.
await download.saveAs("./" + "test-insights.csv");