import type { Page } from "@playwright/test"; import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { BookingStatus } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { bookOptinEvent, createHttpServer, selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth, waitFor, gotoRoutingLink, createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees, } from "./lib/testUtils"; // remove dynamic properties that differs depending on where you run the tests const dynamic = "[redacted/dynamic]"; test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); async function createWebhookReceiver(page: Page) { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks`); // --- add webhook await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await Promise.all(["[type=submit]"), page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname.endsWith("/settings/developer/webhooks")), ]); // page contains the url expect(page.locator(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`)).toBeDefined(); return webhookReceiver; } test.describe("BOOKING_CREATED", async () => { test("add webhook & test that creating an event triggers a webhook call", async ({ page, users, }, _testInfo) => { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); const user = await users.create(); const [eventType] = user.eventTypes; await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks`); // --- add webhook await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await Promise.all(["[type=submit]"), page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname.endsWith("/settings/developer/webhooks")), ]); // page contains the url expect(page.locator(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`)).toBeDefined(); // --- Book the first available day next month in the pro user's "30min"-event await page.goto(`/${user.username}/${eventType.slug}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); // --- fill form await page.fill('[name="name"]', "Test Testson"); await page.fill('[name="email"]', ""); await'[name="email"]', "Enter"); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const body: any = request.body; body.createdAt = dynamic; body.payload.startTime = dynamic; body.payload.endTime = dynamic; body.payload.location = dynamic; for (const attendee of body.payload.attendees) { attendee.timeZone = dynamic; attendee.language = dynamic; } = dynamic; = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.timeZone = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.language = dynamic; body.payload.uid = dynamic; body.payload.bookingId = dynamic; body.payload.additionalInformation = dynamic; body.payload.requiresConfirmation = dynamic; body.payload.eventTypeId = dynamic; body.payload.videoCallData = dynamic; body.payload.appsStatus = dynamic; body.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl = dynamic; expect(body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_CREATED", createdAt: "[redacted/dynamic]", payload: { type: "30 min", title: "30 min between Nameless and Test Testson", description: "", additionalNotes: "", customInputs: {}, startTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", endTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", organizer: { id: "[redacted/dynamic]", name: "Nameless", email: "[redacted/dynamic]", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, responses: { email: { value: "", label: "email_address", }, name: { value: "Test Testson", label: "your_name", }, }, userFieldsResponses: {}, attendees: [ { email: "", name: "Test Testson", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, ], location: "[redacted/dynamic]", destinationCalendar: null, hideCalendarNotes: false, requiresConfirmation: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTypeId: "[redacted/dynamic]", seatsShowAttendees: true, seatsPerTimeSlot: null, uid: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTitle: "30 min", eventDescription: null, price: 0, currency: "usd", length: 30, bookingId: "[redacted/dynamic]", metadata: { videoCallUrl: "[redacted/dynamic]" }, status: "ACCEPTED", additionalInformation: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, }); webhookReceiver.close(); }); }); test.describe("BOOKING_REJECTED", async () => { test("can book an event that requires confirmation and then that booking can be rejected by organizer", async ({ page, users, }) => { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); // --- create a user const user = await users.create(); // --- visit user page await page.goto(`/${user.username}`); // --- book the user's event await bookOptinEvent(page); // --- login as that user await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks`); // --- add webhook await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await Promise.all(["[type=submit]"), page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname.endsWith("/settings/developer/webhooks")), ]); // page contains the url expect(page.locator(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`)).toBeDefined(); await page.goto("/bookings/unconfirmed"); await'[data-testid="reject"]'); await'[data-testid="rejection-confirm"]'); await page.waitForResponse((response) => response.url().includes("/api/trpc/bookings/confirm")); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const body = request.body as any; body.createdAt = dynamic; body.payload.startTime = dynamic; body.payload.endTime = dynamic; body.payload.location = dynamic; for (const attendee of body.payload.attendees) { attendee.timeZone = dynamic; attendee.language = dynamic; } = dynamic; = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.timeZone = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.language = dynamic; body.payload.uid = dynamic; body.payload.bookingId = dynamic; body.payload.additionalInformation = dynamic; body.payload.requiresConfirmation = dynamic; body.payload.eventTypeId = dynamic; body.payload.videoCallData = dynamic; body.payload.appsStatus = dynamic; // body.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl = dynamic; expect(body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_REJECTED", createdAt: "[redacted/dynamic]", payload: { type: "Opt in", title: "Opt in between Nameless and Test Testson", customInputs: {}, startTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", endTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", organizer: { id: "[redacted/dynamic]", name: "Unnamed", email: "[redacted/dynamic]", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, responses: { email: { value: "", label: "email", }, name: { value: "Test Testson", label: "name", }, }, userFieldsResponses: {}, attendees: [ { email: "", name: "Test Testson", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, ], location: "[redacted/dynamic]", destinationCalendar: [], // hideCalendarNotes: false, requiresConfirmation: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTypeId: "[redacted/dynamic]", uid: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTitle: "Opt in", eventDescription: null, price: 0, currency: "usd", length: 30, bookingId: "[redacted/dynamic]", // metadata: { videoCallUrl: "[redacted/dynamic]" }, status: "REJECTED", additionalInformation: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, }); webhookReceiver.close(); }); }); test.describe("BOOKING_REQUESTED", async () => { test("can book an event that requires confirmation and get a booking requested event", async ({ page, users, }) => { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); // --- create a user const user = await users.create(); // --- login as that user await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks`); // --- add webhook await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await Promise.all(["[type=submit]"), page.waitForURL((url) => url.pathname.endsWith("/settings/developer/webhooks")), ]); // page contains the url expect(page.locator(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`)).toBeDefined(); // --- visit user page await page.goto(`/${user.username}`); // --- book the user's opt in await bookOptinEvent(page); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const body = request.body as any; body.createdAt = dynamic; body.payload.startTime = dynamic; body.payload.endTime = dynamic; body.payload.location = dynamic; for (const attendee of body.payload.attendees) { attendee.timeZone = dynamic; attendee.language = dynamic; } = dynamic; = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.timeZone = dynamic; body.payload.organizer.language = dynamic; body.payload.uid = dynamic; body.payload.bookingId = dynamic; body.payload.additionalInformation = dynamic; body.payload.requiresConfirmation = dynamic; body.payload.eventTypeId = dynamic; body.payload.videoCallData = dynamic; body.payload.appsStatus = dynamic; body.payload.metadata.videoCallUrl = dynamic; expect(body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_REQUESTED", createdAt: "[redacted/dynamic]", payload: { type: "Opt in", title: "Opt in between Nameless and Test Testson", customInputs: {}, startTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", endTime: "[redacted/dynamic]", organizer: { id: "[redacted/dynamic]", name: "Nameless", email: "[redacted/dynamic]", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, responses: { email: { value: "", label: "email_address", }, name: { value: "Test Testson", label: "your_name", }, }, userFieldsResponses: {}, attendees: [ { email: "", name: "Test Testson", timeZone: "[redacted/dynamic]", language: "[redacted/dynamic]", }, ], location: "[redacted/dynamic]", destinationCalendar: null, requiresConfirmation: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTypeId: "[redacted/dynamic]", uid: "[redacted/dynamic]", eventTitle: "Opt in", eventDescription: null, price: 0, currency: "usd", length: 30, bookingId: "[redacted/dynamic]", status: "PENDING", additionalInformation: "[redacted/dynamic]", metadata: { videoCallUrl: "[redacted/dynamic]" }, }, }); webhookReceiver.close(); }); }); test.describe("BOOKING_RESCHEDULED", async () => { test("can reschedule a booking and get a booking rescheduled event", async ({ page, users, bookings }) => { const user = await users.create(); const [eventType] = user.eventTypes; await user.apiLogin(); const webhookReceiver = await createWebhookReceiver(page); const booking = await bookings.create(, user.username,, { status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }); await page.goto(`/${user.username}/${eventType.slug}?rescheduleUid=${booking.uid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*booking/); // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-non-null-assertion const newBooking = await{ where: { fromReschedule: booking?.uid } })!; expect(newBooking).not.toBeNull(); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; expect(request.body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED", payload: { uid: newBooking?.uid, }, }); }); test("when rescheduling to a booking that already exists, should send a booking rescheduled event with the existant booking uid", async ({ page, users, bookings, }) => { const { user, eventType, booking } = await createUserWithSeatedEventAndAttendees({ users, bookings }, [ { name: "John First", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, { name: "Jane Second", email: "", timeZone: "Europe/Berlin" }, ]); await prisma.eventType.update({ where: { id: }, data: { requiresConfirmation: false }, }); await user.apiLogin(); const webhookReceiver = await createWebhookReceiver(page); const bookingAttendees = await prisma.attendee.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, select: { id: true, email: true, }, }); const bookingSeats = => ({ bookingId:, attendeeId:, referenceUid: uuidv4(), })); await prisma.bookingSeat.createMany({ data: bookingSeats, }); const references = await prisma.bookingSeat.findMany({ where: { bookingId: }, include: { attendee: true }, }); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[0].referenceUid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*booking/); const newBooking = await{ where: { attendees: { some: { email: bookingAttendees[0].email, }, }, }, }); // --- ensuring that new booking was created expect(newBooking).not.toBeNull(); // --- check that webhook was called await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [firstRequest] = webhookReceiver.requestList; expect(firstRequest?.body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED", payload: { uid: newBooking?.uid, }, }); await page.goto(`/reschedule/${references[1].referenceUid}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-reschedule-button"]').click(); await expect(page).toHaveURL(/.*booking/); await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(2); }); const [_, secondRequest] = webhookReceiver.requestList; expect(secondRequest?.body).toMatchObject({ triggerEvent: "BOOKING_RESCHEDULED", payload: { // in the current implementation, it is the same as the first booking uid: newBooking?.uid, }, }); }); }); test.describe("FORM_SUBMITTED", async () => { test("on submitting user form, triggers user webhook", async ({ page, users, routingForms }) => { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); const user = await users.create(null, { hasTeam: true, }); await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks/new`); // Add webhook await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await"[type=submit]"); // Page contains the url expect(page.locator(`text='${webhookReceiver.url}'`)).toBeDefined(); await page.waitForLoadState("networkidle"); const form = await routingForms.create({ name: "Test Form", userId:, teamId: null, fields: [ { type: "text", label: "Name", identifier: "name", required: true, }, ], }); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: }); const fieldName = "name"; await page.fill(`[data-testid="form-field-${fieldName}"]`, "John Doe");'button[type="submit"]'); await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const body = request.body as any; body.createdAt = dynamic; expect(body).toEqual({ triggerEvent: "FORM_SUBMITTED", createdAt: dynamic, payload: { formId:, formName:, teamId: null, responses: { name: { value: "John Doe", }, }, }, name: "John Doe", }); webhookReceiver.close(); }); test("on submitting team form, triggers team webhook", async ({ page, users, routingForms }) => { const webhookReceiver = createHttpServer(); const user = await users.create(null, { hasTeam: true, }); await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto(`/settings/developer/webhooks`); const teamId = await clickFirstTeamWebhookCta(page); // Add webhook await page.fill('[name="subscriberUrl"]', webhookReceiver.url); await page.fill('[name="secret"]', "secret"); await"[type=submit]"); const form = await routingForms.create({ name: "Test Form", userId:, teamId: teamId, fields: [ { type: "text", label: "Name", identifier: "name", required: true, }, ], }); await gotoRoutingLink({ page, formId: }); const fieldName = "name"; await page.fill(`[data-testid="form-field-${fieldName}"]`, "John Doe");'button[type="submit"]'); await waitFor(() => { expect(webhookReceiver.requestList.length).toBe(1); }); const [request] = webhookReceiver.requestList; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any const body = request.body as any; body.createdAt = dynamic; expect(body).toEqual({ triggerEvent: "FORM_SUBMITTED", createdAt: dynamic, payload: { formId:, formName:, teamId, responses: { name: { value: "John Doe", }, }, }, name: "John Doe", }); webhookReceiver.close(); }); }); async function clickFirstTeamWebhookCta(page: Page) { await'[data-testid="new_webhook"]'); await'[data-testid="option-team-1"]'); await page.waitForURL((u) => u.pathname === "/settings/developer/webhooks/new"); const url = page.url(); const teamId = Number(new URL(url).searchParams.get("teamId")) as number; return teamId; }