export const slugify = (str: string) => { return str .toLowerCase() // Convert to lowercase .trim() // Remove whitespace from both sides .normalize("NFD") // Normalize to decomposed form for handling accents .replace(/\p{Diacritic}/gu, "") // Remove any diacritics (accents) from characters .replace(/[^\p{L}\p{N}\p{Zs}\p{Emoji}]+/gu, "-") // Replace any non-alphanumeric characters (including Unicode) with a dash .replace(/[\s_]+/g, "-") // Replace whitespace and underscores with a single dash .replace(/^-+/, "") // Remove dashes from start .replace(/-+$/, "") // Remove dashes from end .replace(/\+/g, "-"); // Transform all + to - }; export default slugify;