import dynamic from "next/dynamic"; import { useRouter } from "next/router"; import { useEffect, useMemo, useReducer, useState } from "react"; import { FormattedNumber, IntlProvider } from "react-intl"; import { z } from "zod"; import BookingPageTagManager from "@calcom/app-store/BookingPageTagManager"; import { getEventTypeAppData } from "@calcom/app-store/utils"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { useEmbedNonStylesConfig, useEmbedStyles, useEmbedUiConfig, useIsBackgroundTransparent, useIsEmbed, } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe"; import classNames from "@calcom/lib/classNames"; import useGetBrandingColours from "@calcom/lib/getBrandColours"; import getPaymentAppData from "@calcom/lib/getPaymentAppData"; import { useLocale } from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useLocale"; import useTheme from "@calcom/lib/hooks/useTheme"; import notEmpty from "@calcom/lib/notEmpty"; import { getRecurringFreq } from "@calcom/lib/recurringStrings"; import { collectPageParameters, telemetryEventTypes, useTelemetry } from "@calcom/lib/telemetry"; import { detectBrowserTimeFormat, setIs24hClockInLocalStorage, TimeFormat } from "@calcom/lib/timeFormat"; import { trpc } from "@calcom/trpc"; import { HeadSeo, useCalcomTheme } from "@calcom/ui"; import { FiCreditCard, FiUser, FiRefreshCcw } from "@calcom/ui/components/icon"; import { timeZone as localStorageTimeZone } from "@lib/clock"; import type { Gate, GateState } from "@components/Gates"; import Gates from "@components/Gates"; import BookingDescription from "@components/booking/BookingDescription"; import { SlotPicker } from "@components/booking/SlotPicker"; import type { AvailabilityPageProps } from "../../../pages/[user]/[type]"; import type { DynamicAvailabilityPageProps } from "../../../pages/d/[link]/[slug]"; import type { AvailabilityTeamPageProps } from "../../../pages/team/[slug]/[type]"; const PoweredByCal = dynamic(() => import("@components/ui/PoweredByCal")); const Toaster = dynamic(() => import("react-hot-toast").then((mod) => mod.Toaster), { ssr: false }); /*const SlotPicker = dynamic(() => import("../SlotPicker").then((mod) => mod.SlotPicker), { ssr: false, loading: () =>
, });*/ const TimezoneDropdown = dynamic(() => import("../TimezoneDropdown").then((mod) => mod.TimezoneDropdown), { ssr: false, }); const dateQuerySchema = z.object({ rescheduleUid: z.string().optional().default(""), date: z.string().optional().default(""), timeZone: z.string().optional().default(""), seatReferenceUid: z.string().optional(), }); export type Props = AvailabilityTeamPageProps | AvailabilityPageProps | DynamicAvailabilityPageProps; const useBrandColors = ({ brandColor, darkBrandColor }: { brandColor: string; darkBrandColor: string }) => { const brandTheme = useGetBrandingColours({ lightVal: brandColor, darkVal: darkBrandColor, }); useCalcomTheme(brandTheme); }; const AvailabilityPage = ({ profile, eventType, ...restProps }: Props) => { const router = useRouter(); const isEmbed = useIsEmbed(restProps.isEmbed); const query = dateQuerySchema.parse(router.query); const { rescheduleUid } = query; useTheme(profile.theme); useBrandColors({ brandColor: profile.brandColor, darkBrandColor: profile.darkBrandColor, }); const { t } = useLocale(); const availabilityDatePickerEmbedStyles = useEmbedStyles("availabilityDatePicker"); //TODO: Plan to remove shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed config const shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed = useEmbedNonStylesConfig("align") !== "left"; const shouldAlignCentrally = !isEmbed || shouldAlignCentrallyInEmbed; const isBackgroundTransparent = useIsBackgroundTransparent(); const [timeZone, setTimeZone] = useState(); const [timeFormat, setTimeFormat] = useState(detectBrowserTimeFormat); const onTimeFormatChange = (is24Hours: boolean) => { setTimeFormat(is24Hours ? TimeFormat.TWENTY_FOUR_HOUR : TimeFormat.TWELVE_HOUR); setIs24hClockInLocalStorage(is24Hours); }; const [gateState, gateDispatcher] = useReducer( (state: GateState, newState: Partial) => ({ ...state, ...newState, }), {} ); useEffect(() => { setTimeZone(localStorageTimeZone() ||; }, []); const [recurringEventCount, setRecurringEventCount] = useState(eventType.recurringEvent?.count); const telemetry = useTelemetry(); useEffect(() => { if (top !== window) { //page_view will be collected automatically by _middleware.ts telemetry.event( telemetryEventTypes.embedView, collectPageParameters("/availability", { isTeamBooking: document.URL.includes("team/") }) ); } }, [telemetry]); const embedUiConfig = useEmbedUiConfig(); // get dynamic user list here const userList = eventType.users ? => user.username).filter(notEmpty) : []; const timezoneDropdown = useMemo( () => , [timeZone] ); const paymentAppData = getPaymentAppData(eventType); const paymentAmount = () => { return; ; }; const rainbowAppData = getEventTypeAppData(eventType, "rainbow") || {}; const rawSlug = profile.slug ? profile.slug.split("/") : []; if (rawSlug.length > 1) rawSlug.pop(); //team events have team name as slug, but user events have [user]/[type] as slug. const showEventTypeDetails = (isEmbed && !embedUiConfig.hideEventTypeDetails) || !isEmbed; // Define conditional gates here const gates = [ // Rainbow gate is only added if the event has both a `blockchainId` and a `smartContractAddress` rainbowAppData && rainbowAppData.blockchainId && rainbowAppData.smartContractAddress ? ("rainbow" as Gate) : undefined, ]; const { data: bookingAttendees } = trpc.viewer.bookings.getBookingAttendees.useQuery( { seatReferenceUid: rescheduleUid, }, { enabled: !!(rescheduleUid && eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot), } ); return ( ({ name: `${}`, username: `${user.username}`, })), ], }} nextSeoProps={{ nofollow: eventType.hidden, noindex: eventType.hidden, }} isBrandingHidden={restProps.isBrandingHidden} />
{showEventTypeDetails && (
{rescheduleUid && eventType.seatsPerTimeSlot && bookingAttendees && (
{" "} {t("event_type_seats", { numberOfSeats: bookingAttendees })}
)} {!rescheduleUid && eventType.recurringEvent && (

{getRecurringFreq({ t, recurringEvent: eventType.recurringEvent })}

{ setRecurringEventCount(parseInt(event?.target.value)); }} />

{t("occurrence", { count: recurringEventCount, })}

)} {paymentAppData.price > 0 && (

{paymentAppData.paymentOption === "HOLD" ? ( <> {t("no_show_fee_amount", { amount: paymentAppData.price / 100.0, formatParams: { amount: { currency: paymentAppData.currency } }, })} ) : ( )}

)} {timezoneDropdown}
{/* Temporarily disabled - booking?.startTime && rescheduleUid && (


{typeof booking.startTime === "string" && parseDate(dayjs(booking.startTime), i18n)}

{/* FIXME: We don't show branding in Embed yet because we need to place branding on top of the main content. Keeping it outside the main content would have visibility issues because outside main content background is transparent */} {!restProps.isBrandingHidden && !isEmbed && }
); }; export default AvailabilityPage;