import { hashPassword } from "../lib/auth"; import { Prisma, PrismaClient } from "@prisma/client"; const prisma = new PrismaClient(); let idx = 0; async function createUserAndEventType(opts: { user: Omit & { password: string; email: string }; eventTypes: Array; }) { const userData: Prisma.UserCreateArgs["data"] = { ...opts.user, password: await hashPassword(opts.user.password), emailVerified: new Date(), }; const user = await prisma.user.upsert({ where: { email: }, update: userData, create: userData, }); console.log( `šŸ‘¤ Created '${opts.user.username}' with email "${}" & password "${opts.user.password}". Booking page šŸ‘‰ http://localhost:3000/${opts.user.username}` ); for (const rawData of opts.eventTypes) { const id = ++idx; const eventTypeData: Prisma.EventTypeCreateArgs["data"] = { ...rawData }; eventTypeData.userId =; = id; await prisma.eventType.upsert({ where: { id, }, update: eventTypeData, create: eventTypeData, }); console.log( `\tšŸ“† Event type ${eventTypeData.slug}, length ${eventTypeData.length}: http://localhost:3000/${user.username}/${eventTypeData.slug}` ); } } async function main() { await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "free", username: "free", // plan: "FREE", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 30, }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "pro", username: "pro", // plan: "PRO", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 60, }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "trial", username: "trial", // plan: "TRIAL", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 60, }, ], }); await prisma.$disconnect(); } main() .then(() => { console.log("šŸŒ± Seeded db"); }) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); });