import { Canvas, Meta, Story } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; import { Title, CustomArgsTable, VariantsTable, VariantRow } from "@calcom/storybook/components"; import { UnpublishedEntity } from "./UnpublishedEntity"; ## Definition The `UnpublishedEntity` component is used to display an "empty screen" with relevant information for unpublished teams or organizations. ## Structure The `UnpublishedEntity` component consists of the following parts: - An `EmptyScreen` component from `@calcom/ui` that displays a visual representation of an "empty screen." - An `Avatar` component from `@calcom/ui` that shows an avatar image associated with the organization or team. - Translated text obtained using the `useLocale` hook for displaying messages based on the entity's status. <CustomArgsTable of={UnpublishedEntity} /> ## UnpublishedEntity Story <Canvas> <Story name="UnpublishedEntity" args={{ name: "TeamExample", teamSlug: "team-example" }}> {(args) => ( <VariantsTable titles={["Default"]} columnMinWidth={150}> <VariantRow> <UnpublishedEntity {...args} /> </VariantRow> </VariantsTable> )} </Story> </Canvas>