import { Canvas, Meta, Story, ArgsTable } from "@storybook/addon-docs"; import { Examples, Example, Note, Title, VariantsTable, VariantColumn, RowTitles, CustomArgsTable, } from "@calcom/storybook/components"; import { Skeleton, SkeletonAvatar, SkeletonText, SkeletonButton, SkeletonContainer } from "./"; ## Definition Skeletons are used as a placeholder to the content while the content is being loaded. It is used to improve the user experience by providing a visual cue that the content is loading. ## Structure <CustomArgsTable of={Skeleton} /> <Examples title="Skeleton Avatar"> <Example title="Primary"> <SkeletonAvatar className="h-8 w-8" /> </Example> </Examples> <Examples title="Skeleton Text"> <Example title="Primary"> <SkeletonText className="h-4 w-32" /> </Example> </Examples> <Examples title="Skeleton Button"> <Example title="Primary"> <SkeletonButton className="h-8 w-32" /> </Example> </Examples>