import { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { LocationType } from "@calcom/lib/location"; import type { App } from "@calcom/types/App"; import appStore from "."; const ALL_APPS_MAP = Object.keys(appStore).reduce((store, key) => { store[key] = appStore[key as keyof typeof appStore].metadata; return store; }, {} as Record); const credentialData = Prisma.validator()({ select: { id: true, type: true, key: true, userId: true }, }); type CredentialData = Prisma.CredentialGetPayload; export const ALL_APPS = Object.values(ALL_APPS_MAP); type OptionTypeBase = { label: string; value: LocationType; disabled?: boolean; }; export function getLocationOptions(integrations: AppMeta) { const defaultLocations: OptionTypeBase[] = [ { value: LocationType.InPerson, label: "in_person_meeting" }, { value: LocationType.Phone, label: "phone_call" }, ]; integrations.forEach((app) => { if (app.locationOption) { defaultLocations.push(app.locationOption); } }); return defaultLocations; } /** * This should get all avaialable apps to the user based on his saved * credentials, this should also get globally available apps. */ function getApps(userCredentials: CredentialData[]) { const apps = => { const credentials = userCredentials.filter((credential) => credential.type === appMeta.type); let locationOption: OptionTypeBase | null = null; /** If the app is a globally installed one, let's inject it's key */ if (appMeta.isGlobal) { credentials.push({ id: +new Date().getTime(), type: appMeta.type, key: appMeta.key!, userId: +new Date().getTime(), }); } /** Check if app has location option AND add it if user has credentials for it */ if (credentials.length > 0 && appMeta?.locationType) { locationOption = { value: appMeta.locationType as LocationType, label: appMeta.label, disabled: false, }; } const credential: typeof credentials[number] | null = credentials[0] || null; return { ...appMeta, /** * @deprecated use `credentials` */ credential, credentials, /** Option to display in `location` field while editing event types */ locationOption, }; }); return apps; } export type AppMeta = ReturnType; /** @deprecated use `getApps` */ export function hasIntegration(apps: AppMeta, type: string): boolean { return !!apps.find((app) => app.type === type && !!app.installed && app.credentials.length > 0); } export function hasIntegrationInstalled(type: App["type"]): boolean { return ALL_APPS.some((app) => app.type === type && !!app.installed); } export function getLocationTypes(): string[] { return ALL_APPS.reduce((locations, app) => { if (typeof app.locationType === "string") { locations.push(app.locationType); } return locations; }, [] as string[]); } export function getAppName(name: string) { return ALL_APPS_MAP[name as keyof typeof ALL_APPS_MAP]?.name || "No App Name"; } export function getAppType(name: string): string { const type = ALL_APPS_MAP[name as keyof typeof ALL_APPS_MAP].type; if (type.endsWith("_calendar")) { return "Calendar"; } if (type.endsWith("_payment")) { return "Payment"; } return "Unknown"; } export default getApps;