import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { MembershipRole } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest } from "next"; import { HttpError } from "@calcom/lib/http-error"; import { schemaQueryTeamId } from "~/lib/validations/shared/queryTeamId"; async function authMiddleware(req: NextApiRequest) { const { userId, prisma, isAdmin } = req; const { teamId } = schemaQueryTeamId.parse(req.query); /** Admins can skip the ownership verification */ if (isAdmin) return; /** Non-members will see a 404 error which may or not be the desired behavior. */ await{ where: { id: teamId, members: { some: { userId } } }, }); } export async function checkPermissions( req: NextApiRequest, role: Prisma.MembershipWhereInput["role"] = MembershipRole.OWNER ) { const { userId, prisma, isAdmin } = req; const { teamId } = schemaQueryTeamId.parse(req.query); const args: Prisma.TeamFindFirstArgs = { where: { id: teamId } }; /** If not ADMIN then we check if the actual user belongs to team and matches the required role */ if (!isAdmin) args.where = { ...args.where, members: { some: { userId, role } } }; const team = await; if (!team) throw new HttpError({ statusCode: 401, message: `Unauthorized: ${role.toString()} required` }); return team; } export default authMiddleware;