import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import type Prisma from "@prisma/client"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { todo, selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth } from "./lib/testUtils"; test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); const IS_STRIPE_ENABLED = !!( process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_STRIPE_PUBLIC_KEY && process.env.STRIPE_CLIENT_ID && process.env.STRIPE_PRIVATE_KEY && process.env.PAYMENT_FEE_FIXED && process.env.PAYMENT_FEE_PERCENTAGE ); test.describe("Stripe integration", () => { // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-skipped-test test.skip(!IS_STRIPE_ENABLED, "It should only run if Stripe is installed"); test.describe("Stripe integration dashboard", () => { test("Can add Stripe integration", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto("/apps/installed"); await user.getPaymentCredential(); await expect(page.locator(`h3:has-text("Stripe")`)).toBeVisible(); await page.getByRole("list").getByRole("button").click(); await expect(page.getByRole("button", { name: "Remove App" })).toBeVisible(); }); }); test("Can book a paid booking", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); const eventType = user.eventTypes.find((e) => e.slug === "paid") as Prisma.EventType; await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto("/apps/installed"); await user.getPaymentCredential(); await user.setupEventWithPrice(eventType); await user.bookAndPaidEvent(eventType); // success await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); }); test("Pending payment booking should not be confirmed by default", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); const eventType = user.eventTypes.find((e) => e.slug === "paid") as Prisma.EventType; await user.apiLogin(); await page.goto("/apps/installed"); await user.getPaymentCredential(); await user.setupEventWithPrice(eventType); // booking process without payment await page.goto(`${user.username}/${eventType?.slug}`); await selectFirstAvailableTimeSlotNextMonth(page); // --- fill form await page.fill('[name="name"]', "Stripe Stripeson"); await page.fill('[name="email"]', ""); await Promise.all([page.waitForURL("/payment/*"),'[name="email"]', "Enter")]); await page.goto(`/bookings/upcoming`); await expect(page.getByText("Unconfirmed")).toBeVisible(); await expect(page.getByText("Pending payment").last()).toBeVisible(); }); todo("Payment should confirm pending payment booking"); todo("Payment should trigger a BOOKING_PAID webhook"); todo("Paid booking should be able to be rescheduled"); todo("Paid booking should be able to be cancelled"); todo("Cancelled paid booking should be refunded"); });