import type { Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import { uuid } from "short-uuid"; import type z from "zod"; import dailyMeta from "@calcom/app-store/dailyvideo/_metadata"; import googleMeetMeta from "@calcom/app-store/googlevideo/_metadata"; import zoomMeta from "@calcom/app-store/zoomvideo/_metadata"; import dayjs from "@calcom/dayjs"; import { BookingStatus, MembershipRole } from "@calcom/prisma/enums"; import prisma from "."; import mainAppStore from "./seed-app-store"; import { createUserAndEventType } from "./seed-utils"; import type { teamMetadataSchema } from "./zod-utils"; async function createTeamAndAddUsers( teamInput: Prisma.TeamCreateInput, users: { id: number; username: string; role?: MembershipRole }[] = [] ) { const checkUnpublishedTeam = async (slug: string) => { return await{ where: { metadata: { path: ["requestedSlug"], equals: slug, }, }, }); }; const createTeam = async (team: Prisma.TeamCreateInput) => { try { const requestedSlug = (team.metadata as z.infer)?.requestedSlug; if (requestedSlug) { const unpublishedTeam = await checkUnpublishedTeam(requestedSlug); if (unpublishedTeam) { throw Error("Unique constraint failed on the fields"); } } return await{ data: {, }, }); } catch (_err) { if (_err instanceof Error && _err.message.indexOf("Unique constraint failed on the fields") !== -1) { console.log(`Team '${}' already exists, skipping.`); return; } throw _err; } }; const team = await createTeam(teamInput); if (!team) { return; } console.log( `šŸ¢ Created team '${}' - ${process.env.NEXT_PUBLIC_WEBAPP_URL}/team/${team.slug}` ); for (const user of users) { const { role = MembershipRole.OWNER, id, username } = user; await prisma.membership.create({ data: { teamId:, userId: id, role: role, accepted: true, }, }); console.log(`\tšŸ‘¤ Added '${}' membership for '${username}' with role '${role}'`); } return team; } async function main() { await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "delete-me", username: "delete-me", name: "delete-me", }, }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "onboarding", username: "onboarding", name: "onboarding", completedOnboarding: false, }, }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "free-first-hidden", username: "free-first-hidden", name: "Free First Hidden Example", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, hidden: true, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 30, }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", name: "Pro Example", password: "pro", username: "pro", theme: "light", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, _bookings: [ { uid: uuid(), title: "30min", startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), }, { uid: uuid(), title: "30min", startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, { // hardcode UID so that we can easily test rescheduling in embed uid: "qm3kwt3aTnVD7vmP9tiT2f", title: "30min Seeded Booking", startTime: dayjs().add(3, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(3, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, ], }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 60, }, { title: "Multiple duration", slug: "multiple-duration", length: 75, metadata: { multipleDuration: [30, 75, 90], }, }, { title: "paid", slug: "paid", length: 60, price: 100, }, { title: "In person meeting", slug: "in-person", length: 60, locations: [{ type: "inPerson", address: "London" }], }, { title: "Zoom Event", slug: "zoom", length: 60, locations: [{ type: zoomMeta.appData?.location?.type }], }, { title: "Daily Event", slug: "daily", length: 60, locations: [{ type: dailyMeta.appData?.location?.type }], }, { title: "Google Meet", slug: "google-meet", length: 60, locations: [{ type: googleMeetMeta.appData?.location?.type }], }, { title: "Yoga class", slug: "yoga-class", length: 30, recurringEvent: { freq: 2, count: 12, interval: 1 }, _bookings: [ { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(1, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(1, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(2, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(3, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(3, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(4, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(4, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Yoga class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(5, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(1, "day").add(5, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Seeded Yoga class", description: "seeded", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Seeded Yoga class", description: "seeded", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(1, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(1, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Seeded Yoga class", description: "seeded", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(2, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Seeded Yoga class", description: "seeded", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("seeded-yoga-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(3, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().subtract(4, "day").add(3, "week").add(30, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, ], }, { title: "Tennis class", slug: "tennis-class", length: 60, recurringEvent: { freq: 2, count: 10, interval: 2 }, requiresConfirmation: true, _bookings: [ { uid: uuid(), title: "Tennis class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(60, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Tennis class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(2, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(2, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Tennis class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(4, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(4, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Tennis class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(8, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(8, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, { uid: uuid(), title: "Tennis class", recurringEventId: Buffer.from("tennis-class").toString("base64"), startTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(10, "week").toDate(), endTime: dayjs().add(2, "day").add(10, "week").add(60, "minutes").toDate(), status: BookingStatus.PENDING, }, ], }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "trial", username: "trial", name: "Trial Example", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 60, }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "free", username: "free", name: "Free Example", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, { title: "60min", slug: "60min", length: 30, }, ], }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "usa", username: "usa", name: "USA Timezone Example", timeZone: "America/Phoenix", }, eventTypes: [ { title: "30min", slug: "30min", length: 30, }, ], }); const freeUserTeam = await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "teamfree", username: "teamfree", name: "Team Free Example", }, }); const proUserTeam = await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "teampro", username: "teampro", name: "Team Pro Example", }, }); await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", /** To comply with admin password requirements */ password: "ADMINadmin2022!", username: "admin", name: "Admin Example", role: "ADMIN", }, }); const pro2UserTeam = await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "teampro2", username: "teampro2", name: "Team Pro Example 2", }, }); const pro3UserTeam = await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "teampro3", username: "teampro3", name: "Team Pro Example 3", }, }); const pro4UserTeam = await createUserAndEventType({ user: { email: "", password: "teampro4", username: "teampro4", name: "Team Pro Example 4", }, }); await createTeamAndAddUsers( { name: "Seeded Team", slug: "seeded-team", eventTypes: { createMany: { data: [ { title: "Collective Seeded Team Event", slug: "collective-seeded-team-event", length: 15, schedulingType: "COLLECTIVE", }, { title: "Round Robin Seeded Team Event", slug: "round-robin-seeded-team-event", length: 15, schedulingType: "ROUND_ROBIN", }, ], }, }, createdAt: new Date(), }, [ { id:, username: || "Unknown", }, { id:, username: || "Unknown", }, { id:, username: || "Unknown", role: "MEMBER", }, { id:, username: || "Unknown", }, { id:, username: || "Unknown", }, ] ); } main() .then(() => mainAppStore()) .catch((e) => { console.error(e); process.exit(1); }) .finally(async () => { await prisma.$disconnect(); });