import { BookingStatus, Prisma } from "@prisma/client"; import type { NextApiRequest, NextApiResponse } from "next"; import prisma from "@calcom/prisma"; import { getSession } from "@lib/auth"; export default async function handler(req: NextApiRequest, res: NextApiResponse) { if (!["GET", "DELETE"].includes(req.method || "")) { return res.status(405).end(); } // Check that user is authenticated const session = await getSession({ req }); const userId = session?.user?.id; if (!userId) { res.status(401).json({ message: "You must be logged in to do this" }); return; } if (req.method === "GET") { const credentials = await prisma.credential.findMany({ where: { userId, }, select: { type: true, }, }); res.status(200).json(credentials); } if (req.method == "DELETE") { const id =; const data: Prisma.UserUpdateInput = { credentials: { delete: { id, }, }, }; const integration = await prisma.credential.findUnique({ where: { id, }, }); /* If the user deletes a zapier integration, we delete all his api keys as well. */ if (integration?.appId === "zapier") { data.apiKeys = { deleteMany: { userId, appId: "zapier", }, }; /* We also delete all user's zapier wehbooks */ data.webhooks = { deleteMany: { userId, appId: "zapier", }, }; } await prisma.user.update({ where: { id: userId, }, data, }); if (req.body?.action === "cancel" || req.body?.action === "remove") { try { const bookingIdsWithPayments = await .findMany({ where: { userId: session?.user?.id, paid: false, NOT: { payment: { every: { booking: null, }, }, }, }, select: { id: true, }, }) .then((bookings) => =>; const deletePayments = prisma.payment.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId: { in: bookingIdsWithPayments, }, success: false, }, }); const updateBookings ={ where: { id: { in: bookingIdsWithPayments, }, }, data: { status: BookingStatus.CANCELLED, rejectionReason: "Payment provider got removed", }, }); const bookingReferences = await .findMany({ where: { status: BookingStatus.ACCEPTED, }, select: { id: true, }, }) .then((bookings) => =>; const deleteBookingReferences = prisma.bookingReference.deleteMany({ where: { bookingId: { in: bookingReferences, }, }, }); if (req.body?.action === "cancel") { await prisma.$transaction([deletePayments, updateBookings, deleteBookingReferences]); } else { const updateBookings ={ where: { id: { in: bookingIdsWithPayments, }, }, data: { paid: true, }, }); await prisma.$transaction([deletePayments, updateBookings]); } } catch (e) { console.error(e); res.status(500).json({ message: "Integration could not be deleted" }); } } res.status(200).json({ message: "Integration deleted successfully" }); } }