import { appStoreMetadata } from "@calcom/app-store/appStoreMetaData"; import prisma, { safeAppSelect, safeCredentialSelect } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { AppFrontendPayload as App } from "@calcom/types/App"; import { CredentialFrontendPayload as Credential } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; export async function getAppWithMetadata(app: { dirName: string }) { const appMetadata: App | null = appStoreMetadata[app.dirName as keyof typeof appStoreMetadata] as App; if (!appMetadata) return null; // Let's not leak api keys to the front end // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-unused-vars const { key, ...metadata } = appMetadata; if (metadata.logo && !metadata.logo.includes("/api/app-store/")) { const appDirName = `${metadata.isTemplate ? "templates" : ""}/${app.dirName}`; metadata.logo = `/api/app-store/${appDirName}/${metadata.logo}`; } return metadata; } /** Mainly to use in listings for the frontend, use in getStaticProps or getServerSideProps */ export async function getAppRegistry() { const dbApps = await{ where: { enabled: true }, select: { dirName: true, slug: true, categories: true, enabled: true }, }); const apps = [] as App[]; for await (const dbapp of dbApps) { const app = await getAppWithMetadata(dbapp); if (!app) continue; // Skip if app isn't installed /* This is now handled from the DB */ // if (!app.installed) return apps; const { rating, reviews, trending, verified, ...remainingAppProps } = app; apps.push({ rating: rating || 0, reviews: reviews || 0, trending: trending || true, verified: verified || true, ...remainingAppProps, category: app.category || "other", installed: true /* All apps from DB are considered installed by default. @TODO: Add and filter our by `enabled` property */, }); } return apps; } export async function getAppRegistryWithCredentials(userId: number) { const dbApps = await{ where: { enabled: true }, select: { ...safeAppSelect, credentials: { where: { userId }, select: safeCredentialSelect, }, }, orderBy: { credentials: { _count: "desc", }, }, }); const apps = [] as (App & { credentials: Credential[]; })[]; for await (const dbapp of dbApps) { const app = await getAppWithMetadata(dbapp); if (!app) continue; // Skip if app isn't installed /* This is now handled from the DB */ // if (!app.installed) return apps; const { rating, reviews, trending, verified, ...remainingAppProps } = app; apps.push({ rating: rating || 0, reviews: reviews || 0, trending: trending || true, verified: verified || true, ...remainingAppProps, categories: dbapp.categories, credentials: dbapp.credentials, installed: true, }); } return apps; }