import type { Page, Route } from "@playwright/test"; import { expect } from "@playwright/test"; import { rest } from "msw"; import { setupServer } from "msw/node"; import { v4 as uuidv4 } from "uuid"; import { prisma } from "@calcom/prisma"; import { test } from "./lib/fixtures"; import { todo } from "./lib/testUtils"; declare let global: { E2E_EMAILS?: ({ text: string } | Record)[]; }; const requestInterceptor = setupServer("", (req, res, ctx) => { console.log(req.body); return res(ctx.status(200)); }) ); const addOauthBasedIntegration = async function ({ page, slug, authorization, token, }: { page: Page; slug: string; authorization: { url: string; verify: (config: { // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any requestHeaders: any; params: URLSearchParams; code: string; }) => Parameters[0]; }; token: { url: string; // eslint-disable-next-line @typescript-eslint/no-explicit-any verify: (config: { requestHeaders: any; params: URLSearchParams; code: string }) => { status: number; body: any; }; }; }) { const code = uuidv4(); // Note the difference b/w MSW wildcard and Playwright wildards. Playwright requires query params to be explicitly specified. page.route(`${authorization.url}?**`, (route, request) => { const u = new URL(request.url()); const result = authorization.verify({ requestHeaders: request.allHeaders(), params: u.searchParams, code, }); return route.fulfill(result); }); requestInterceptor.use(, (req, res, ctx) => { const params = new URLSearchParams(req.body as string); const result = token.verify({ requestHeaders: req.headers, params, code }); return res(ctx.status(result.status), ctx.json(result.body)); }) ); await page.goto(`/apps/${slug}`); await'[data-testid="install-app-button"]'); }; const addLocationIntegrationToFirstEvent = async function ({ user }: { user: { username: string | null } }) { const eventType = await prisma.eventType.findFirst({ where: { users: { some: { username: user.username, }, }, price: 0, }, }); if (!eventType) { throw new Error("Event type not found"); } await prisma.eventType.update({ where: { id:, }, data: { locations: [{ type: "integrations:zoom" }], }, }); return eventType; }; async function bookEvent(page: Page, calLink: string) { // Let current month dates fully render. // There is a bug where if we don't let current month fully render and quickly click go to next month, current month get's rendered // This doesn't seem to be replicable with the speed of a person, only during automation. // It would also allow correct snapshot to be taken for current month. // eslint-disable-next-line playwright/no-wait-for-timeout await page.waitForTimeout(1000); await page.goto(`/${calLink}`); await page.locator('[data-testid="day"][data-disabled="false"]').nth(0).click(); page.locator('[data-testid="time"]').nth(0).click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url(url) { return url.pathname.includes("/book"); }, }); const meetingId = 123456789; requestInterceptor.use("", (req, res, ctx) => { return res( ctx.status(200), ctx.json({ id: meetingId, password: "TestPass", join_url: `${meetingId}`, }) ); }) ); // --- fill form await page.fill('[name="name"]', "Integration User"); await page.fill('[name="email"]', ""); await'[name="email"]', "Enter"); const response = await page.waitForResponse("**/api/book/event"); const responseObj = await response.json(); const bookingId = responseObj.uid; await page.waitForSelector("[data-testid=success-page]"); // Make sure we're navigated to the success page await expect(page.locator("[data-testid=success-page]")).toBeVisible(); expect(global.E2E_EMAILS?.length).toBe(2); expect( global.E2E_EMAILS?.every((email) => (email.text as string).includes(`${meetingId}`)) ).toBe(true); return bookingId; } test.describe.configure({ mode: "parallel" }); // Enable API mocking before tests. test.beforeAll(() => requestInterceptor.listen({ // Comment this to log which all requests are going that are unmocked onUnhandledRequest: "bypass", }) ); // Reset any runtime request handlers we may add during the tests. test.afterEach(() => requestInterceptor.resetHandlers()); // Disable API mocking after the tests are done. test.afterAll(() => requestInterceptor.close()); test.afterEach(({ users }) => users.deleteAll()); // TODO: Fix MSW mocking test.fixme("Integrations", () => { test.beforeEach(() => { global.E2E_EMAILS = []; }); const addZoomIntegration = async function ({ page }: { page: Page }) { await addOauthBasedIntegration({ page, slug: "zoom", authorization: { url: "", verify({ params, code }) { expect(params.get("redirect_uri")).toBeTruthy(); return { status: 307, headers: { location: `${params.get("redirect_uri")}?code=${code}`, }, }; }, }, token: { url: "", verify({ requestHeaders }) { const authorization = requestHeaders.get("authorization").replace("Basic ", ""); const clientPair = Buffer.from(authorization, "base64").toString(); const [clientId, clientSecret] = clientPair.split(":"); // Ensure that zoom credentials are passed. // TODO: We should also ensure that these credentials are correct e.g. in this case should be READ from DB expect(clientId).toBeTruthy(); expect(clientSecret).toBeTruthy(); return { status: 200, body: { access_token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInYiOiIyLjAiLCJraWQiOiI8S0lEPiJ9.eyJ2ZXIiOiI2IiwiY2xpZW50SWQiOiI8Q2xpZW50X0lEPiIsImNvZGUiOiI8Q29kZT4iLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46em9vbTpjb25uZWN0OmNsaWVudGlkOjxDbGllbnRfSUQ-IiwiYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25JZCI6IjxBdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbl9JRD4iLCJ1c2VySWQiOiI8VXNlcl9JRD4iLCJncm91cE51bWJlciI6MCwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vYXV0aC56b29tLnVzIiwiYWNjb3VudElkIjoiPEFjY291bnRfSUQ-IiwibmJmIjoxNTgwMTQ2OTkzLCJleHAiOjE1ODAxNTA1OTMsInRva2VuVHlwZSI6ImFjY2Vzc190b2tlbiIsImlhdCI6MTU4MDE0Njk5MywianRpIjoiPEpUST4iLCJ0b2xlcmFuY2VJZCI6MjV9.F9o_w7_lde4Jlmk_yspIlDc-6QGmVrCbe_6El-xrZehnMx7qyoZPUzyuNAKUKcHfbdZa6Q4QBSvpd6eIFXvjHw", token_type: "bearer", refresh_token: "eyJhbGciOiJIUzUxMiIsInYiOiIyLjAiLCJraWQiOiI8S0lEPiJ9.eyJ2ZXIiOiI2IiwiY2xpZW50SWQiOiI8Q2xpZW50X0lEPiIsImNvZGUiOiI8Q29kZT4iLCJpc3MiOiJ1cm46em9vbTpjb25uZWN0OmNsaWVudGlkOjxDbGllbnRfSUQ-IiwiYXV0aGVudGljYXRpb25JZCI6IjxBdXRoZW50aWNhdGlvbl9JRD4iLCJ1c2VySWQiOiI8VXNlcl9JRD4iLCJncm91cE51bWJlciI6MCwiYXVkIjoiaHR0cHM6Ly9vYXV0aC56b29tLnVzIiwiYWNjb3VudElkIjoiPEFjY291bnRfSUQ-IiwibmJmIjoxNTgwMTQ2OTkzLCJleHAiOjIwNTMxODY5OTMsInRva2VuVHlwZSI6InJlZnJlc2hfdG9rZW4iLCJpYXQiOjE1ODAxNDY5OTMsImp0aSI6IjxKVEk-IiwidG9sZXJhbmNlSWQiOjI1fQ.Xcn_1i_tE6n-wy6_-3JZArIEbiP4AS3paSD0hzb0OZwvYSf-iebQBr0Nucupe57HUDB5NfR9VuyvQ3b74qZAfA", expires_in: 3599, // Without this permission, meeting can't be created. scope: "meeting:write", }, }; }, }, }); }; test.describe("Zoom App", () => { test("Can add integration", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.login(); await addZoomIntegration({ page }); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname === "/apps/installed"; }, }); //TODO: Check that disconnect button is now visible }); test("can choose zoom as a location during booking", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.login(); const eventType = await addLocationIntegrationToFirstEvent({ user }); await addZoomIntegration({ page }); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname === "/apps/installed"; }, }); await bookEvent(page, `${user.username}/${eventType.slug}`); // Ensure that zoom was informed about the meeting // Verify that email had zoom link // POST // Verify Header-> Authorization: "Bearer " + accessToken, /** * { topic: event.title, type: 2, // Means that this is a scheduled meeting start_time: event.startTime, duration: (new Date(event.endTime).getTime() - new Date(event.startTime).getTime()) / 60000, //schedule_for: "string", TODO: Used when scheduling the meeting for someone else (needed?) timezone: event.attendees[0].timeZone, //password: "string", TODO: Should we use a password? Maybe generate a random one? agenda: event.description, settings: { host_video: true, participant_video: true, cn_meeting: false, // TODO: true if host meeting in China in_meeting: false, // TODO: true if host meeting in India join_before_host: true, mute_upon_entry: false, watermark: false, use_pmi: false, approval_type: 2, audio: "both", auto_recording: "none", enforce_login: false, registrants_email_notification: true, }, }; */ }); test("Can disconnect from integration", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.login(); await addZoomIntegration({ page }); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname === "/apps/installed"; }, }); // FIXME: First time reaching /apps/installed throws error in UI. // Temporary use this hack to fix it but remove this HACK before merge. /** HACK STARTS */ await page.locator('[href="/apps"]').first().click(); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname === "/apps"; }, }); await page.locator('[href="/apps/installed"]').first().click(); /** HACK ENDS */ await page.locator('[data-testid="zoom_video-integration-disconnect-button"]').click(); await page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-button"]').click(); await expect(page.locator('[data-testid="confirm-integration-disconnect-button"]')).toHaveCount(0); }); }); test.describe("Hubspot App", () => { test("Can add integration", async ({ page, users }) => { const user = await users.create(); await user.login(); await addOauthBasedIntegration({ page, slug: "hubspot", authorization: { url: "", verify({ params, code }) { expect(params.get("redirect_uri")).toBeTruthy(); // TODO: We can check if client_id is correctly read from DB or not expect(params.get("client_id")).toBeTruthy(); expect(params.get("scope")).toBe( ["", "crm.objects.contacts.write"].join(" ") ); return { // TODO: Should status: 307, headers: { location: `${params.get("redirect_uri")}?code=${code}`, }, }; }, }, token: { url: "", verify({ params, code }) { expect(params.get("grant_type")).toBe("authorization_code"); expect(params.get("code")).toBe(code); expect(params.get("client_id")).toBeTruthy(); expect(params.get("client_secret")).toBeTruthy(); return { status: 200, body: { expiresIn: "3600", }, }; }, }, }); await page.waitForNavigation({ url: (url) => { return url.pathname === "/apps/installed"; }, }); }); }); todo("Can add Google Calendar"); todo("Can add Office 365 Calendar"); todo("Can add CalDav Calendar"); todo("Can add Apple Calendar"); });