import { label } from "next-api-middleware"; import { addRequestId } from "./addRequestid"; import { captureErrors } from "./captureErrors"; import { customApiEndpoints } from "./customApiEndpoints"; import { extendRequest } from "./extendRequest"; import { HTTP_POST, HTTP_DELETE, HTTP_PATCH, HTTP_GET, HTTP_GET_OR_POST, HTTP_GET_DELETE_PATCH, } from "./httpMethods"; import { verifyApiKey } from "./verifyApiKey"; const withMiddleware = label( { HTTP_GET_OR_POST, HTTP_GET_DELETE_PATCH, HTTP_GET, HTTP_PATCH, HTTP_POST, HTTP_DELETE, addRequestId, verifyApiKey, customApiEndpoints, extendRequest, sentry: captureErrors, }, ["sentry", "customApiEndpoints", "verifyApiKey", "addRequestId", "extendRequest"] // <-- Provide a list of middleware to call automatically ); export { withMiddleware };