import { useBrandColors } from "@calcom/embed-core/embed-iframe"; const BRAND_COLOR = "#292929"; const DARK_BRAND_COLOR = "#fafafa"; type Rgb = { r: number; g: number; b: number; }; /** * Given a html color name, check if it exists in our color palette * and if it does, return the hex code for that color. Otherwise, * return the default brand color. */ export function fallBackHex(val: string | null, dark: boolean): string { if (val && isValidHexCode(val)) { return val; } return dark ? DARK_BRAND_COLOR : BRAND_COLOR; } export function isValidHexCode(hexColor: string): boolean { // Regular expression for hex color code pattern const hexColorPattern = /^#([0-9A-Fa-f]{3}){1,2}$/; // Check if hex color code matches pattern const isHexColor = hexColorPattern.test(hexColor); return isHexColor; } function hexToRgb(hex: string): Rgb { const sanitizedHex = hex.replace("##", "#"); const colorParts = /^#?([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})([a-f\d]{2})$/i.exec(sanitizedHex); if (!colorParts) { throw new Error("Invalid Hex colour"); } const [, r, g, b] = colorParts; return { r: parseInt(r, 16), g: parseInt(g, 16), b: parseInt(b, 16), } as Rgb; } function rgbToHex(r: number, g: number, b: number): string { const toHex = (c: number) => `0${c.toString(16)}`.slice(-2); return `#${toHex(r)}${toHex(g)}${toHex(b)}`; } function lighten(hex: string, intensity: number): string { const color = hexToRgb(`#${hex}`); if (!color) { return ""; } const r = Math.round(color.r + (255 - color.r) * intensity); const g = Math.round(color.g + (255 - color.g) * intensity); const b = Math.round(color.b + (255 - color.b) * intensity); return rgbToHex(r, g, b); } function darken(hex: string, intensity: number): string { const color = hexToRgb(hex); if (!color) { return ""; } const r = Math.round(color.r * intensity); const g = Math.round(color.g * intensity); const b = Math.round(color.b * intensity); return rgbToHex(r, g, b); } function normalizeHexCode(hex: string | null, dark: boolean) { if (!hex) { return !dark ? BRAND_COLOR : DARK_BRAND_COLOR; } hex = hex.replace("#", ""); // If the length of the hex code is 3, double up each character // e.g. fff => ffffff or a0e => aa00ee if (hex.length === 3) { hex = hex .split("") .map(function (hex) { return hex + hex; }) .join(""); } return hex; } export const createColorMap = (brandColor: string) => { const response: Record = { 500: `#${brandColor}`.replace("##", "#"), }; const intensityMap: { [key: number]: number; } = { 50: 0.95, 100: 0.9, 200: 0.75, 300: 0.6, 400: 0.3, 600: 0.9, 700: 0.75, 800: 0.6, 900: 0.49, }; [50, 100, 200, 300, 400].forEach((level) => { response[level] = lighten(brandColor, intensityMap[level]); }); [600, 700, 800, 900].forEach((level) => { response[level] = darken(brandColor, intensityMap[level]); }); return response; }; function getWCAGContrastColor(background: string): string { // Convert the hex background color to RGB const { r, g, b } = hexToRgb(background); // Calculate the luminance of the background color const luminance = (0.2126 * r + 0.7152 * g + 0.0722 * b) / 255; // If the luminance is less than 0.5, use white as the text color, otherwise use black return luminance < 0.5 ? "#FFFFFF" : "#000000"; } export function checkWCAGContrastColor(background: string, target: string) { const backgroundRGB = hexToRgb(background); const targetRGB = hexToRgb(target); const bgLuminance = (0.2126 * backgroundRGB.r + 0.7152 * backgroundRGB.g + 0.0722 * backgroundRGB.b) / 255; const targetLuminance = (0.2126 * targetRGB.r + 0.7152 * targetRGB.g + 0.0722 * targetRGB.b) / 255; const contrastRadio = (Math.max(bgLuminance, targetLuminance) + 0.05) / (Math.min(targetLuminance, bgLuminance) + 0.05); const MIN_CONTRAST_RATIO = 4.5; // used for BGs return contrastRadio >= MIN_CONTRAST_RATIO; } /** * Given a light and dark brand color value, update the css variables * within the document to reflect the new brand colors. */ const useGetBrandingColours = ({ lightVal = BRAND_COLOR, darkVal = DARK_BRAND_COLOR, }: { lightVal: string | undefined | null; darkVal: string | undefined | null; }) => { const embedBrandingColors = useBrandColors(); lightVal = embedBrandingColors.brandColor || lightVal; // convert to 6 digit equivalent if 3 digit code is entered lightVal = normalizeHexCode(lightVal, false); darkVal = normalizeHexCode(darkVal, true); const lightColourMap = createColorMap(lightVal); const darkColourMap = createColorMap(darkVal); const theme = { light: { "cal-brand": lightColourMap["500"], "cal-brand-emphasis": lightColourMap["400"], "cal-brand-subtle": lightColourMap["200"], "cal-brand-text": getWCAGContrastColor(lightColourMap["500"]), "cal-brand-accent": getWCAGContrastColor(lightColourMap["500"]), }, dark: { "cal-brand": darkColourMap["500"], "cal-brand-emphasis": darkColourMap["600"], "cal-brand-subtle": darkColourMap["800"], "cal-brand-text": getWCAGContrastColor(darkColourMap["500"]), "cal-brand-accent": getWCAGContrastColor(darkColourMap["500"]), }, }; return theme; }; export default useGetBrandingColours;