import type { TFunction } from "next-i18next"; import { guessEventLocationType } from "@calcom/app-store/locations"; import type { Prisma } from "@calcom/prisma/client"; export type EventNameObjectType = { attendeeName: string; eventType: string; eventName?: string | null; host: string; location?: string; bookingFields?: Prisma.JsonObject; t: TFunction; }; export function getEventName(eventNameObj: EventNameObjectType, forAttendeeView = false) { if (!eventNameObj.eventName) return eventNameObj.t("event_between_users", { eventName: eventNameObj.eventType, host:, attendeeName: eventNameObj.attendeeName, interpolation: { escapeValue: false, }, }); let eventName = eventNameObj.eventName; let locationString = eventNameObj.location || ""; if (eventNameObj.eventName.includes("{Location}") || eventNameObj.eventName.includes("{LOCATION}")) { const eventLocationType = guessEventLocationType(eventNameObj.location); if (eventLocationType) { locationString = eventLocationType.label; } eventName = eventName.replace("{Location}", locationString); eventName = eventName.replace("{LOCATION}", locationString); } let dynamicEventName = eventName // Need this for compatibility with older event names .replaceAll("{Event type title}", eventNameObj.eventType) .replaceAll("{Scheduler}", eventNameObj.attendeeName) .replaceAll("{Organiser}", .replaceAll("{USER}", eventNameObj.attendeeName) .replaceAll("{ATTENDEE}", eventNameObj.attendeeName) .replaceAll("{HOST}", .replaceAll("{HOST/ATTENDEE}", forAttendeeView ? : eventNameObj.attendeeName); const customInputvariables = dynamicEventName.match(/\{(.+?)}/g)?.map((variable) => { return variable.replace("{", "").replace("}", ""); }); customInputvariables?.forEach((variable) => { if (eventNameObj.bookingFields) { Object.keys(eventNameObj.bookingFields).forEach((bookingField) => { if (variable === bookingField) { let fieldValue; if (eventNameObj.bookingFields) { fieldValue = eventNameObj.bookingFields[bookingField as keyof typeof eventNameObj.bookingFields]?.toString(); } dynamicEventName = dynamicEventName.replace(`{${variable}}`, fieldValue || ""); } }); } }); return dynamicEventName; } export const validateCustomEventName = ( value: string, message: string, bookingFields?: Prisma.JsonObject ) => { let customInputVariables: string[] = []; if (bookingFields) { customInputVariables = Object.keys(bookingFields).map((customInput) => { return `{${customInput}}`; }); } const validVariables = customInputVariables.concat([ "{Event type title}", "{Organiser}", "{Scheduler}", "{Location}", //allowed for fallback reasons "{LOCATION}", "{HOST/ATTENDEE}", "{HOST}", "{ATTENDEE}", "{USER}", ]); const matches = value.match(/\{([^}]+)\}/g); if (matches?.length) { for (const item of matches) { if (!validVariables.includes(item)) { return message; } } } return true; };