import logger from "@calcom/lib/logger"; import type { Calendar, CalendarClass } from "@calcom/types/Calendar"; import type { CredentialPayload } from "@calcom/types/Credential"; import appStore from ".."; interface CalendarApp { lib: { CalendarService: CalendarClass; }; } const log = logger.getChildLogger({ prefix: ["CalendarManager"] }); /** * @see [Using type predicates]( */ const isCalendarService = (x: unknown): x is CalendarApp => !!x && typeof x === "object" && "lib" in x && typeof x.lib === "object" && !!x.lib && "CalendarService" in x.lib; export const getCalendar = async (credential: CredentialPayload | null): Promise => { if (!credential || !credential.key) return null; let { type: calendarType } = credential; if (calendarType?.endsWith("_other_calendar")) { calendarType = calendarType.split("_other_calendar")[0]; } const calendarAppImportFn = appStore[calendarType.split("_").join("") as keyof typeof appStore]; if (!calendarAppImportFn) { log.warn(`calendar of type ${calendarType} is not implemented`); return null; } const calendarApp = await calendarAppImportFn(); if (!isCalendarService(calendarApp)) { log.warn(`calendar of type ${calendarType} is not implemented`); return null; }"calendarApp", calendarApp.lib.CalendarService); const CalendarService = calendarApp.lib.CalendarService; return new CalendarService(credential); };